Virtual Manufacturing, 6 credits

Virtuell produktion, 6 hp


The course is disused. Offered for the last time Autumn semester 2024. Replaced by TMPR07.

Main field of study

Product Development Mechanical Engineering

Course level

Second cycle

Course type

Programme course


Martin Hochwallner

Director of studies or equivalent

Mats Björkman

Education components

Preliminary scheduled hours: 82 h
Recommended self-study hours: 78 h

Available for exchange students

ECV = Elective / Compulsory / Voluntary
Course offered for Semester Period Timetable module Language Campus ECV
6CDPU Design and Product Development, M Sc in Engineering 7 (Autumn 2019) 1 4 English Linköping, Valla E
6CIEI Industrial Engineering and Management - International, M Sc in Engineering - Chinese 7 (Autumn 2019) 1 4 English Linköping, Valla E
6CIEI Industrial Engineering and Management - International, M Sc in Engineering - Chinese (Master Profile Manufacturing) 7 (Autumn 2019) 1 4 English Linköping, Valla E
6CIEI Industrial Engineering and Management - International, M Sc in Engineering - Chinese (Specialization Mechanical Engineering) 7 (Autumn 2019) 1 4 English Linköping, Valla E
6CIEI Industrial Engineering and Management - International, M Sc in Engineering - French 7 (Autumn 2019) 1 4 English Linköping, Valla E
6CIEI Industrial Engineering and Management - International, M Sc in Engineering - French (Master Profile Manufacturing) 7 (Autumn 2019) 1 4 English Linköping, Valla E
6CIEI Industrial Engineering and Management - International, M Sc in Engineering - French (Specialization Mechanical Engineering) 7 (Autumn 2019) 1 4 English Linköping, Valla E
6CIEI Industrial Engineering and Management - International, M Sc in Engineering - German 7 (Autumn 2019) 1 4 English Linköping, Valla E
6CIEI Industrial Engineering and Management - International, M Sc in Engineering - German (Master Profile Manufacturing) 7 (Autumn 2019) 1 4 English Linköping, Valla E
6CIEI Industrial Engineering and Management - International, M Sc in Engineering - German (Specialization Mechanical Engineering) 7 (Autumn 2019) 1 4 English Linköping, Valla E
6CIEI Industrial Engineering and Management - International, M Sc in Engineering - Japanese 7 (Autumn 2019) 1 4 English Linköping, Valla E
6CIEI Industrial Engineering and Management - International, M Sc in Engineering - Japanese (Master Profile Manufacturing) 7 (Autumn 2019) 1 4 English Linköping, Valla E
6CIEI Industrial Engineering and Management - International, M Sc in Engineering - Japanese (Specialization Mechanical Engineering) 7 (Autumn 2019) 1 4 English Linköping, Valla E
6CIEI Industrial Engineering and Management - International, M Sc in Engineering - Spanish 7 (Autumn 2019) 1 4 English Linköping, Valla E
6CIEI Industrial Engineering and Management - International, M Sc in Engineering - Spanish (Master Profile Manufacturing) 7 (Autumn 2019) 1 4 English Linköping, Valla E
6CIEI Industrial Engineering and Management - International, M Sc in Engineering - Spanish (Specialization Mechanical Engineering) 7 (Autumn 2019) 1 4 English Linköping, Valla E
6CIII Industrial Engineering and Management, M Sc in Engineering 7 (Autumn 2019) 1 4 English Linköping, Valla E
6CIII Industrial Engineering and Management, M Sc in Engineering (Master Profile Manufacturing) 7 (Autumn 2019) 1 4 English Linköping, Valla E
6CIII Industrial Engineering and Management, M Sc in Engineering (Mechanical Engineering Specialization) 7 (Autumn 2019) 1 4 English Linköping, Valla E
6IMAS Mechanical Engineering, B Sc in Engineering 5 (Autumn 2019) 1 4 English Linköping, Valla E
6IMAS Mechanical Engineering, B Sc in Engineering (Production Engineering) 5 (Autumn 2019) 1 4 English Linköping, Valla E
6CMMM Mechanical Engineering, M Sc in Engineering 7 (Autumn 2019) 1 4 English Linköping, Valla E
6CMMM Mechanical Engineering, M Sc in Engineering (Operations Management) 7 (Autumn 2019) 1 4 English Linköping, Valla E
6CMMM Mechanical Engineering, M Sc in Engineering (Production Engineering) 7 (Autumn 2019) 1 4 English Linköping, Valla E
6MMEC Mechanical Engineering, Master's Programme 3 (Autumn 2019) 1 4 English Linköping, Valla E
6MMEC Mechanical Engineering, Master's Programme (Manufacturing Engineering) 3 (Autumn 2019) 1 4 English Linköping, Valla E

Main field of study

Product Development, Mechanical Engineering

Course level

Second cycle

Advancement level


Course offered for

  • Master's Programme in Mechanical Engineering
  • Mechanical Engineering, B Sc in Engineering
  • Design and Product Development, M Sc in Engineering
  • Mechanical Engineering, M Sc in Engineering
  • Industrial Engineering and Management, M Sc in Engineering
  • Industrial Engineering and Management - International, M Sc in Engineering

Entry requirements

Note: Admission requirements for non-programme students usually also include admission requirements for the programme and threshold requirements for progression within the programme, or corresponding.


Basic courses in Production Engineering, Machine Elements and CAD, and Industrial Economics and Management. Knowledge of computerized controlled machines is useful for the course.

Intended learning outcomes

This course covers production simulation as a tool during the development of process layouts, workshop layouts, industrial robot work-cells and work stations and as a tool for verification and visualization in production planning. The focus of the course is the functionality of a simulation system/tool.
The aim of the course is to give basic knowledge so the student can use the department simulation software in the production engineering courses when a project work is carried out. After the course the student should be able to:

  • describe the possible use of geometry oriented simulation in the production engineering area.
  • describe the functionality of a geometry oriented simulation system for use during production engineering development in the area of robot simulations, assembly simulations and ergonomic simulations.
  • to understand and use the technical vocabulary in the technical area.

The student should also be able to:

  • use a robot simulation system as an aid during development of industrial robot work-cells and production systems containing products, processes and resources.
  • make analysis of robot reach, pose and collision with the aid of a simulation system during production planning work.
  • create mechanisms in the simulation system for use in the planning work, for example robot grippers and machine movements.
  • create simulation sequences for the simulation of a planned production system.
  • create an assembly simulation for a specific product.


Course content

Driving forces for the use of geometry oriented in planning of production system planning. Industrial examples. Simulation of work-cells including industrial robots. The areas of simulation are Assembly simulation, Ergonomic simulation, Simulation of software and its functionality.

Teaching and working methods

The course is given in a one quarter study period. Lectures are given on geometry oriented production simulation, software simulation and its functionality. The lectures are given during the first weeks of the study period. The laboratory exercises will give an insight in one commercial production simulation system. A small project is included in the course to give further training in the simulation work.


UPG1Project assignment1 creditsU, G
LAB1Laboratory work2 creditsU, G
TEN1Written examination3 creditsU, 3, 4, 5
The written examination will cover the whole course. The material presented in the assignments and in the laboratory work will be examined separately.


Four-grade scale, LiU, U, 3, 4, 5

Other information

Supplementary courses: Production logistics, Production systems.


Institutionen för ekonomisk och industriell utveckling

Director of Studies or equivalent

Mats Björkman


Martin Hochwallner

Course website and other links

Education components

Preliminary scheduled hours: 82 h
Recommended self-study hours: 78 h

Course literature


Code Name Scope Grading scale
UPG1 Project assignment 1 credits U, G
LAB1 Laboratory work 2 credits U, G
TEN1 Written examination 3 credits U, 3, 4, 5
The written examination will cover the whole course. The material presented in the assignments and in the laboratory work will be examined separately.

Note: The course matrix might contain more information in Swedish.

I = Introduce, U = Teach, A = Utilize
I U A Modules Comment
1.1 Knowledge of underlying mathematics and science (courses on G1X-level)

1.2 Fundamental engineering knowledge (courses on G1X-level)

1.3 Further knowledge, methods and tools in any of : mathematics, natural sciences, engineering (courses at G2X level)

1.4 Advanced knowledge, methods and tools in any of: mathematics, natural sciences, engineering (courses at A1X level)

1.5 Insight into current research and development work

2.1 Analytical reasoning and problem solving

2.2 Experimentation, investigation, and knowledge discovery

2.3 System thinking

2.4 Attitudes, thought, and learning

2.5 Ethics, equity, and other responsibilities

3.1 Teamwork

3.2 Communications

3.3 Communication in foreign languages

4.1 Societal conditions, including economically, socially and ecologically sustainable development

4.2 Enterprise and business context

4.3 Conceiving, system engineering and management

4.4 Designing

4.5 Implementing

4.6 Operating

5.1 Societal conditions, including economically, socially and ecologically sustainable development within research or development projects

5.2 Economic conditions for research or development projects

5.3 Identification of needs, structuring and planning of research or development projects

5.4 Execution of research or development projects

5.5 Presentation and evaluation of research or development projects


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