Disability Research 3, in-depth course, 30 credits

Funktionsnedsättning och samhälle III, fördjupningskurs, 30 hp


Main field of study

Disability research

Course level

First cycle

Course type

Single subject course


Carine Signoret

Course coordinator

Carine Signoret

Director of studies or equivalent

Josefine Andin


Carl Löfstrand, Administratör

Josefine Andin, Studierektor

Pernilla Ahrén, Studievägledare

ECV = Elective / Compulsory / Voluntary
Course offered for Semester Weeks Language Campus ECV
Single subject course (Half-time, Day-time) Autumn 2023 202334-202423 Swedish Distance

Main field of study

Disability research

Course level

First cycle

Advancement level


Entry requirements

  • Disability Science, basic course with at least 22.5 ECTS credits passed
    Disability Research, basic course with at least 22.5 ECTS credits passed or the equivalent
  • Disability Science 2, continuation course 30 ECTS credits, with at least 22,5 ECTS credits passed
    Disability Research 2, continuation course 30 ECTS credits, with at least 22,5 ECTS credits passed or equivalent


If special circumstances prevail, and if it is possible with consideration of the nature of the compulsory component, the examiner may decide to replace the compulsory component with another equivalent component.

If the LiU coordinator for students with disabilities has granted a student the right to an adapted examination for a written examination in an examination hall, the student has the right to it.

If the coordinator has recommended for the student an adapted examination or alternative form of examination, the examiner may grant this if the examiner assesses that it is possible, based on consideration of the course objectives.

An examiner may also decide that an adapted examination or alternative form of examination if the examiner assessed that special circumstances prevail, and the examiner assesses that it is possible while maintaining the objectives of the course.

Students failing an exam covering either the entire course or part of the course twice are entitled to have a new examiner appointed for the reexamination.

Students who have passed an examination may not retake it in order to improve their grades.


Three-grade scale, U, G, VG

Other information

Planning and implementation of a course must take its starting point in the wording of the syllabus. The course evaluation included in each course must therefore take up the question how well the course agrees with the syllabus. 

The course is conducted in such a way that there are equal opportunities with regard to sex, transgender identity or expression, ethnicity, religion or other belief, disability, sexual orientation and age.

If special circumstances prevail, the vice-chancellor may in a special decision specify the preconditions for temporary deviations from this course syllabus, and delegate the right to take such decisions.


Institutionen för beteendevetenskap och lärande
Code Name Scope Grading scale
FUBE Disability - Treatment and aids 2 credits U, G, VG
FUDI Disability - diagnoses and causes 2 credits U, G, VG
FUFA Disability - case study 1 credits U, G, VG
LITT Literature review 2 credits U, G, VG
UPPS Bachelor Thesis 15 credits U, G, VG
HAUP Supervisor and thesis area 0.5 credits U, G
SEMI Seminar - Journal Club 0 credits U, G
MTD1 Quantitive analysis 1 2.5 credits U, G, VG
MTD2 Quantitive analysis 2 2.5 credits U, G, VG
MTD3 Qualitative analysis 2.5 credits U, G, VG


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Björkdahl, A. & Boman, I-L., (2015) Kognitiv rehabilitering Studentlitteratur
Bryman, A. , (2008) Samhällsvetenskapliga metoder Liber
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Gelfand, S.A. , (2016) Essentials of Audiology. Thieme Medical Publishers Inc
Grenness, C., Hickson, L., Laplate-Lévesque, A., Meyer, C. & Davidson, B. , (2015) The nature of communication throughout diagnosis and management planning in initial audiologic rehabilitation consultations. Journal of the American Academy of Audiology, 26, 36-50.
Helgesson G. , (2015) Forskningsetik. Studentlitteratur
Källström, Å & Andersson Bruck, K., (2017) Etiska reflektioner i forskning med barn Gleerups
Karpathakis, G. , (2017) Underbara ADHD: Den svåra superkraften Bokförlaget Max Ström.
Kjellberg, A. & Sörqvist, P. , (2015) Experimentell metodik för beteendevetare. Studentlitteratur
Lagerkvist, B. & Lindgren, C., (2012) Barn med funktionsnedsättning Studentlitteratur
Lexell, J. & Fischer, M.R. , (2017) Rehabiliteringsmetodik Studentlitteratur
Lundberg, M., Andersson, G. & Lunner, T., (2011) A randomized, controlled trial of the short-term effects of complementing an educational program for hearing aid users with telephone consultations. Journal of the American Academy of Audiology, 22, 654-662.
Lundin, L. & Mellgren, Z. , (2012) Psykiska funktionshinder Studentlitteratur
Malmberg, M. , (2017) Aural rehabilitation programs for hearing aid users Sahlgrenska Academy, University of Gothenburg


Mueller A, Hong DS, Shepard S, Moore T. , (2017) Linking ADHD to the Neural Circuitry of Attention. Trends Cognitive Sciences, 21(6), 474-488.

doi: 10.1016/j.tics.2017.03.009

Nadeau, K.G., Littman, E.D., Quinn, P.O. , (2018) Flickor med ADHD Studentlitteratur
Rudner, M., Andin, J. & Rönnberg, J. , (2009) Working memory, deafness and sign language. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 50, 495-505.
Thernlund, G. , (2013) ADHD och autismspektrum i ett livsperspektiv Studentlitteratur


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