Leading Learning Processes, 15 credits

Att leda lärprocesser, 15 hp


Main field of study


Course level

First cycle

Course type

Single subject course


Ronny Högberg

Course coordinator

Ronny Högberg, Diana Holmqvist

Director of studies or equivalent

Sofia Nyström


ECV = Elective / Compulsory / Voluntary
Course offered for Semester Weeks Language Campus ECV
Single subject course (Half-time, Day-time) Spring 2026 202604-202623 Swedish Linköping, Valla

Main field of study


Course level

First cycle

Advancement level


Intended learning outcomes

On completion of the course the student should be able to:

- describe learning theories that explain a learning process as both an individual and a collective process
- identify formal and informal learning processes in the lives of adults
- describe and account for how leadership can be understood in relation to different learning processes
- describe the educational ideas behind different forms of education and apply these
- relate the concepts of gender and diversity to learning processes
- understand the importance of examination and evaluation in a learning process
- analyse learning processes based on different factors that influence learning and group processes.
- account for the own reflections and analyses, orally and in writing.
- critically review, discuss and reflect on different fields covered in the course

Course content

The course highlights different theories of learning, leadership and group processes based on what it means to lead a learning process. The student will study theories that highlight learning as individual and collective processes. Different forms of education and how they affect the learning process are also presented. The importance of a leader and the effects of leadership are discussed in this context. The course also covers gender and diversity aspects and the role of examination.

In addition to different theories of learning processes, the student also encounters different working methods such as lectures, role play, group assignments and seminars, and these working methods also function as course contents in relation to the aims of the course: to lead learning processes.

Teaching and working methods

The teaching takes the form of lectures, seminars, group work and applications, where students are expected to take an active role for their learning. The student is expected to come prepared to each session by, for example, reading literature, active participation in group assignments, discussing and giving constructive feedback on other students' work.


The course is examined through an individual and a group assignment. The examination assignments should be presented orally and in writing in seminars.

Applies to all courses regardless of grading scale.

  • Students failing an exam covering either the entire course or part of the course two times are entitled to have a new examiner appointed for the reexamination.

If the course has a three-graded grading scale (U - VG), following applies:

  • Students who have passed an examination may not retake it in order to improve their grades.

The following applies to courses that include a compulsory component:

  • If special circumstances prevail, and if it is possible with consideration of the nature of the compulsory component, the examiner may decide to replace the compulsory component with another equivalent component.

If the LiU coordinator for students with disabilities has granted a student the right to an adapted examination for a written examination in an examination hall, the student has the right to it.

If the coordinator has recommended for the student an adapted examination or alternative form of examination, the examiner may grant this if the examiner assesses that it is possible, based on consideration of the course objectives.  

An examiner may also decide that an adapted examination or alternative form of examination if the examiner assessed that special circumstances prevail, and the examiner assesses that it is possible while maintaining the objectives of the course.


Three-grade scale, U, G, VG

Other information

Course revised 2020-04-02; Dnr LiU-2020-01361

Planning and implementation of a course must take its starting point in the wording of the syllabus. The course evaluation included in each course must therefore take up the question how well the course agrees with the syllabus.

The course is conducted in such a way that there are equal opportunities with regard to sex, transgender identity or expression, ethnicity, religion or other belief, disability, sexual orientation and age.

If special circumstances prevail, the vice-chancellor may in a special decision specify the preconditions for temporary deviations from this course syllabus, and delegate the right to take such decisions.

About teaching and examination language

The teaching language is presented in the Overview tab for each course. The examination language relates to the teaching language as follows: 

  • If teaching language is Swedish, the course as a whole or in large parts, is taught in Swedish. Please note that although teaching language is Swedish, parts of the course could be given in English. Examination language is Swedish.
  • If teaching language is Swedish/English, the course as a whole will be taught in English if students without prior knowledge of the Swedish language participate. Examination language is Swedish or English (depending on teaching language).
  • If teaching language is English, the course as a whole is taught in English. Examination language is English.


Institutionen för beteendevetenskap och lärande
Code Name Scope Grading scale
GRE1 Group examination 7.5 credits U, G
STN1 Written exam 7.5 credits U, G, VG

Regulary literature


Björkman & Bromseth, (2019) Normkritisk pedagogik : perspektiv, utmaningar och möjligheter. Upplaga 1 Lund : Studentlitteratur

ISBN: 9789144118086

Fejes, A., Muhrman, K. & Nyström, S. , (2020) Om vuxenutbildning och vuxnas studier: en grundbok Lund: Studentlitteratur

ISBN: 9789144133294

Granberg, O. & Ohlsson, J. , (2021) Kollektivt lärande i arbetslivet Lund: Studentlitteratur.
Granström, K. , (2006) Dynamik i arbetsgrupper. Om grupprocesser på arbetet Lund: Studentlitteratur
Hammar Chiriac, E. & Hempel, A. , (2020) Handbok för grupparbetet – att skapa fungerande grupparbeten i undervisning 4:e uppl. Lund: Studentlitteratur.
Illeris K, , (2015) Lärande Lund: Studentlitteratur.
Köpsén, S, (2014) Lära till yrkeslärare 1. uppl. Lund : Studentlitteratur
Korp, H, (2011) Kunskapsbedömning : vad, hur och varför? : [kunskapsöversikt] Stockholm : Skolverket : Fritze [distributör], 2011

ISBN: 9789186529567


Svedberg, L. (2021). , (2021) Gruppsykologi – om grupper, organisationer och ledarskap 6. rev. upplaga Lund: Studentlitteratur.


Adeniji, A. , "Jag har aldrig sett dig som svart" Anna Adeniji läser Sara Ahmed Tidskrift för Genusvetenskap 2010, 83-87



Additional literature


Colliander, H., Malmström, L., Millenberg, F., Harlin, E.-M., Ahn, S. & Hallqvist, A., (2020) Om folkhögskolan : en särskild utbildningsform för vuxna Upplaga 1 Lund : Studentlitteratur

ISBN: 9789144133300

Ask, Sofia, (2011) Hållbara texter : grunderna i formellt skrivande. 2., [rev. och utök.] uppl. Stockholm : Liber, 2011

ISBN: 9789147104284

Backman, Jarl , (2010) Rapporter och uppsatser Lund: Studentlitteratur
Bjuremark, Anna, (2004) Iscensättning av problematiken genus och mångfald i undervisningen vid LiU - några exempel från fördjupningskurser i högskolepedagogik Linköping : Univ., Centrum för undervisning och lärande (CUL, 2004

ISBN: 9185295922, 16529278, 16529278


De los Reyes, Paulina, (2000) Mångfald, diskriminering och stereotyper : tre forskaruppsatser om mångfald Stockholm : Rådet för arbetslivsforskning, Svenska ESF-Rådet, Integrationsverket.

ISBN: 9188531104, 14049252, 14049252


Dysthe, Olga, (1996) Det flerstämmiga klassrummet : att skriva och samtala för att lära Lund : Studentlitteratur

ISBN: 9144616317, 9789144616315

Dysthe, Olga, Hertzberg, Frøydis, Hoel, Torlaug Løkensgard, (2011) Skriva för att lära 2. [rev.] uppl. Lund : Studentlitteratur

ISBN: 9789144069166

Forslund Frykedal, K. , (2020) Handbok för grupparbete : att skapa fungerande grupparbeten i undervisning 4.e uppl Lund: Studentlitteratur
Hård af Segerstad, Helene, Klasson, Alger, Tebelius, Ulla, (2007) Vuxenpedagogik : att iscensätta vuxnas lärande 2. [rev.] uppl. Lund : Studentlitteratur

ISBN: 9789144038131

Hoel, Torlaug Løkensgard, (2010) Skriva på universitet och högskolor : en bok för lärare och studenter. 1. uppl. Lund : Studentlitteratur

ISBN: 9789144057101

Hult, Håkan, (1998) Examinationen och lärandet : en översikt, analys och värdering av examinationens roll inom högre utbildning. Linköping : Centrum för universitetspedagogik, Univ., 1998

ISBN: 9172192682, 14034670, 14034670


Illeris, Knud, (2015) Lärande 3. [uppdaterade] uppl. Lund : Studentlitteratur

ISBN: 9789144107981

Jarrick, Arne, Josephson, Olle, (1996) Från tanke till text : en språkhandbok för uppsatsskrivande studenter. 2. [översedda] uppl. Lund : Studentlitteratur

ISBN: 9144268424, 9789144268422

Långström, Sture, Viklund, Ulf, (2010) Metoder : undervisning och framträdande 1. uppl. Lund : Studentlitteratur

ISBN: 9789144055954

Lindström, Lars, Lindberg, Viveca, Pettersson, Astrid, (2013) Pedagogisk bedömning : att dokumentera, bedöma och utveckla kunskap 3., [oförändrade] uppl. Stockholm : Liber

ISBN: 9789147114580

Muhrman, K., Forsmark, J. & Mårtensson, Å., (2020) Om vuxenutbildning och vuxnas studier: en grundbok Lund: Studentlitteratur
Schött, Kristina, (2015) Studentens skrivhandbok 3. [bearb.] uppl. Stockholm : Liber

ISBN: 9789147114085

Strömquist, Siv, (2014) Konsten att tala och skriva 5. [omarb.] uppl. Malmö : Gleerup
Thunborg, C., (2014) Plats för arbete - rum för lärande? Lärande i och genom organisering i nätverk. Linköping : Linköpings universitet



Hult, H., Examinationen och lärandet – en översikt, analys och värdering av examinationens roll inom högre utbildning 1998:01


Samuelsson, M., & Colnerud, G. , Student Teachers’ Perceptions Regarding the Challenges of Leadership. Auckland: International Association of Teachers and Teaching (ISATT) and Edify Ltd. Finns 2015



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