Student rights and obligations (login required)
Linköping University common rules and regulations (in Swedish)
French (1-30), 30 credits
Franska (1-30 hp), 30 hp
Main field of study
FrenchCourse level
First cycleCourse type
Programme courseExaminer
Ann-Sofie PerssonCourse coordinator
Ann-Sofie PerssonDirector of studies or equivalent
Mathias BrothECV = Elective / Compulsory / Voluntary
Main field of study
FrenchCourse level
First cycleAdvancement level
G2XCourse offered for
- Secondary School Teacher Programme with a specialization in Teaching in Grades 7-9 of the Compulsory School, subject English
- Secondary School Teacher Programme with a specialization in Teaching in Grades 7-9 of the Compulsory School, subject Mathematics
- Secondary School Teacher Programme with a specialization in Teaching in Grades 7-9 of the Compulsory School, subject Swedish
- Secondary School Teacher Programme with a specialization in Teaching in Grades 7-9 of the Compulsory School, subject Wood and Metal Craft
- Secondary School Teacher Programme with a specialization in Teaching in Grades 7-9 of the Compulsory School, subject Textile Craft
Three-grade scale, U, G, VGOther information
Planning and implementation of a course must take its starting point in the wording of the syllabus. The course evaluation included in each course must therefore take up the question how well the course agrees with the syllabus. The course is carried out in such a way that both men´s and women´s experience and knowledge is made visible and developed.
Institutionen för kultur och kommunikationNo examination details is to be found.
Course literature is preliminary.
Elisabeth Tegelberg: (2002) Franskt uttal i teori och praktik.
Lund: Studentlitteratur 9144022034
Kerstin Wall et al. (1999) Bonniers franska grammatik.
Stockholm: Bonnier Utbildning AB Bescherelle, L'art de conjuguer
12 000 verbes
Fransk-svensk, svensk-fransk ordbok
Fransk-franskt lexikon
Aktuella artiklar från dagspress och tidskrifter
Kompendiematerial från institutionen (grammatik, litteratur,
Philippe Delerm, La première gorgée de bière et autres plaisirs
Marie Ndiaye, Papa doit manger
Anna Gavalda, Je voudrais que quelqu’un m’attende quelque part
Daniel Pennac, Comme un roman
François Bégaudeau, Entre les murs
Ulrika Tornberg, Språkdidaktik. Stockholm: Gleerups
Ulrika Tornberg, Anita Malmqvist & Ingela Valfridsson (2009)
Språkdidaktiska perspektiv. Stockholm: Liber
Europeiska referensramen för språk (svensk och fransk version)
Vocabulaire progressif du français - Niveau intermédiaire (2ème édition) A2/B1. Livre avec 375 exercices + Audio-CD
Internetresurser: (urval av program) (styrdokument, rapporter och publikationer
This tab contains public material from the course room in Lisam. The information published here is not legally binding, such material can be found under the other tabs on this page.
There are no files available for this course.