The professional teacher and educational renewal, 15 credits

Lärarskap och didaktisk förnyelse, 15 hp


Main field of study

Pedagogical Work

Course level

First cycle

Course type

Programme course


Sol Morén

Course coordinator

Sol Morén

Director of studies or equivalent

Martin Lundberg


Anna Lång, administratör


Maria Sommaralm, studievägledare

Study Adviser

ECV = Elective / Compulsory / Voluntary
Course offered for Semester Weeks Language Campus ECV
L1FH1 Folk High School Teacher Programme, Full time 2 (Spring 2025) 202504-202523 Swedish Linköping, Valla
L1FH1 Folk High School Teacher Programme, Part time 4 (Spring 2025) 202504-202523 Swedish Linköping, Valla

Main field of study

Pedagogical Work

Course level

First cycle

Advancement level


Course offered for

  • Folk High School Teacher Programme


Applies to all courses regardless of grading scale.

  • Students failing an exam covering either the entire course or part of the course two times are entitled to have a new examiner appointed for the reexamination.

If the course has a three-graded grading scale (U - VG), following applies:

  • Students who have passed an examination may not retake it in order to improve their grades.

The following applies to courses that include a compulsory component:

  • If special circumstances prevail, and if it is possible with consideration of the nature of the compulsory component, the examiner may decide to replace the compulsory component with another equivalent component.

If the LiU coordinator for students with disabilities has granted a student the right to an adapted examination for a written examination in an examination hall, the student has the right to it.

If the coordinator has recommended for the student an adapted examination or alternative form of examination, the examiner may grant this if the examiner assesses that it is possible, based on consideration of the course objectives.  

An examiner may also decide that an adapted examination or alternative form of examination if the examiner assessed that special circumstances prevail, and the examiner assesses that it is possible while maintaining the objectives of the course.


Two-grade scale, U, G

Other information

Course revised 2020-04-02; Dnr LiU-2020-01361

Planning and implementation of a course must take its starting point in the wording of the syllabus. The course evaluation included in each course must therefore take up the question how well the course agrees with the syllabus.

The course is conducted in such a way that there are equal opportunities with regard to sex, transgender identity or expression, ethnicity, religion or other belief, disability, sexual orientation and age.

If special circumstances prevail, the vice-chancellor may in a special decision specify the preconditions for temporary deviations from this course syllabus, and delegate the right to take such decisions.

About teaching and examination language

The teaching language is presented in the Overview tab for each course. The examination language relates to the teaching language as follows: 

  • If teaching language is Swedish, the course as a whole or in large parts, is taught in Swedish. Please note that although teaching language is Swedish, parts of the course could be given in English. Examination language is Swedish.
  • If teaching language is Swedish/English, the course as a whole will be taught in English if students without prior knowledge of the Swedish language participate. Examination language is Swedish or English (depending on teaching language).
  • If teaching language is English, the course as a whole is taught in English. Examination language is English.


Institutionen för beteendevetenskap och lärande
Code Name Scope Grading scale
SRE1 Written presentation 1.5 credits U, G
SAS1 Thesis 6 credits U, G
SDLF Applied social and didactical teaching skills 7.5 credits U, G

Regulary literature


Åkesson, Emilia , (2016) Normer, normmedvetenhet och normkritik Amphi Production för Skolverket
Bornemark, J., (2020) Horisonten finns alltid kvar: Om det bortglömda omdömet
Colnerud, G. & Granström, K. , (2015) Respekt för lärarprofessionen: om lärares yrkesspråk och yrkesetik. 4., rev. och uppdaterade uppl. Liber
Fürst, H. & Nylander, E. , (2022) The value of art education: cultural engagements at the Swedish folk high schools Palgrave Macmillan
Lärarförbundet & Lärarnas Riksförbund , (2006) Yrkesetik i vardagen
Larsson, B. , (2009) Ett delat rum. Agonistisk feminism och folklig mobilisering – exemplet kvinnofolkhögskolan Makadam förlag
Larsson, G., Lundin, J. & Zander, A. , (2017) Ledarskapsmodellen: konsten att matcha individuella och organisatoriska förutsättningar Upplaga 1 Studentlitteratur
Nordgren, K., Odenstad, C. & Samuelsson, J. (red.) , (2017) Betyg i teori och praktik: ämnesdidaktiska perspektiv på bedömning i grundskola och gymnasium Tredje upplagan Gleerups
P. Andersson, H. Colliander & E. Harlin (red.), (2020) Om folkhögskolan: en särskild utbildningsform för vuxna Studentlitteratur

s. 161–182 Andersson, P., Harlin, E.M. & Tsagalidis, H. Bedömning av kunskap inom folkhögskolan

Shields, C.M. , International Encyclopedia of Education 2010Leadership: Transformative

Skolverket , (2022) Främja, förebygga, upptäcka och åtgärda. Hur skolan kan arbeta mot diskriminering och kränkande behandling


Folkbildningsrådet (2020a). Anvisningar för folkhögskolans studieomdöme
Folkbildningsrådet (2020b). Anvisningar för folkhögskolans behörighetsintygande.

Additional literature


Dysthe, O. , (1996) Det flerstämmiga klassrummet: att skriva och samtala för att lära Studentlitteratur
Freire, P. , (2021) De förtrycktas pedagogik Trinambai
Gibbons, P. , (2018) Lyft språket, lyft tänkandet Studentlitteratur
Hammar Chiriac, E. & Hempel, A. (red.) , (2020) Handbok för grupparbete – att skapa fungerande grupparbeten i undervisning Studentlitteratur
Larsson, Staffan , (2013) Vuxendidaktik. Fjorton tankelinjer i forskningen om vuxnas lärande Natur och Kultur
Nilholm, C. , (2007) Perspektiv på specialpedagogik Studentlitteratur


Shields, C.M , Transformative Leadership: a call for difficult dialogue and courageous actions in racialised contexts ISEA. Volume 37, number 3

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