Wireless Communications, 6 credits

Trådlös kommunikation, 6 hp


The course is disused. Offered for the last time Spring semester 2024. Replaced by TSKS36.

Main field of study

Electrical Engineering

Course level

Second cycle

Course type

Programme course


Danyo Danev

Director of studies or equivalent

Klas Nordberg

Education components

Preliminary scheduled hours: 48 h
Recommended self-study hours: 112 h

Available for exchange students

ECV = Elective / Compulsory / Voluntary
Course offered for Semester Period Timetable module Language Campus ECV
6CYYI Applied Physics and Electrical Engineering - International, M Sc in Engineering 8 (Spring 2017) 1 4 English Linköping, Valla E
6CYYI Applied Physics and Electrical Engineering - International, M Sc in Engineering 8 (Spring 2017) 1 4 English Linköping, Valla E
6CYYI Applied Physics and Electrical Engineering - International, M Sc in Engineering 8 (Spring 2017) 1 4 English Linköping, Valla E
6CYYI Applied Physics and Electrical Engineering - International, M Sc in Engineering 8 (Spring 2017) 1 4 English Linköping, Valla E
6CYYI Applied Physics and Electrical Engineering - International, M Sc in Engineering 8 (Spring 2017) 1 4 English Linköping, Valla E
6CYYI Applied Physics and Electrical Engineering - International, M Sc in Engineering (Communication) 8 (Spring 2017) 1 4 English Linköping, Valla E
6CYYI Applied Physics and Electrical Engineering - International, M Sc in Engineering (Communication) 8 (Spring 2017) 1 4 English Linköping, Valla E
6CYYI Applied Physics and Electrical Engineering - International, M Sc in Engineering (Communication) 8 (Spring 2017) 1 4 English Linköping, Valla E
6CYYI Applied Physics and Electrical Engineering - International, M Sc in Engineering (Communication) 8 (Spring 2017) 1 4 English Linköping, Valla E
6CYYI Applied Physics and Electrical Engineering - International, M Sc in Engineering (Communication) 8 (Spring 2017) 1 4 English Linköping, Valla E
6CYYY Applied Physics and Electrical Engineering, M Sc in Engineering 8 (Spring 2017) 1 4 English Linköping, Valla E
6CYYY Applied Physics and Electrical Engineering, M Sc in Engineering (Communication) 8 (Spring 2017) 1 4 English Linköping, Valla E
6MCSY Communication Systems, Master's programme 2 (Spring 2017) 1 4 English Linköping, Valla C
6CDDD Computer Science and Engineering, M Sc in Engineering 8 (Spring 2017) 1 4 English Linköping, Valla E
6CDDD Computer Science and Engineering, M Sc in Engineering (Communication) 8 (Spring 2017) 1 4 English Linköping, Valla E
6MELE Electronics Engineering, Master's programme (Analogue/Digital and RF IC Design) 2 (Spring 2017) 1 4 English Linköping, Valla E
6CIEI Industrial Engineering and Management - International, M Sc in Engineering 8 (Spring 2017) 1 4 English Linköping, Valla E
6CIEI Industrial Engineering and Management - International, M Sc in Engineering 8 (Spring 2017) 1 4 English Linköping, Valla E
6CIEI Industrial Engineering and Management - International, M Sc in Engineering 8 (Spring 2017) 1 4 English Linköping, Valla E
6CIEI Industrial Engineering and Management - International, M Sc in Engineering 8 (Spring 2017) 1 4 English Linköping, Valla E
6CIEI Industrial Engineering and Management - International, M Sc in Engineering 8 (Spring 2017) 1 4 English Linköping, Valla E
6CIEI Industrial Engineering and Management - International, M Sc in Engineering (Master Profile Telecommunication) 8 (Spring 2017) 1 4 English Linköping, Valla E
6CIEI Industrial Engineering and Management - International, M Sc in Engineering (Master Profile Telecommunication) 8 (Spring 2017) 1 4 English Linköping, Valla E
6CIEI Industrial Engineering and Management - International, M Sc in Engineering (Master Profile Telecommunication) 8 (Spring 2017) 1 4 English Linköping, Valla E
6CIEI Industrial Engineering and Management - International, M Sc in Engineering (Master Profile Telecommunication) 8 (Spring 2017) 1 4 English Linköping, Valla E
6CIEI Industrial Engineering and Management - International, M Sc in Engineering (Master Profile Telecommunication) 8 (Spring 2017) 1 4 English Linköping, Valla E
6CIEI Industrial Engineering and Management - International, M Sc in Engineering (Specialization Electrical Engineering) 8 (Spring 2017) 1 4 English Linköping, Valla E
6CIEI Industrial Engineering and Management - International, M Sc in Engineering (Specialization Electrical Engineering) 8 (Spring 2017) 1 4 English Linköping, Valla E
6CIEI Industrial Engineering and Management - International, M Sc in Engineering (Specialization Electrical Engineering) 8 (Spring 2017) 1 4 English Linköping, Valla E
6CIEI Industrial Engineering and Management - International, M Sc in Engineering (Specialization Electrical Engineering) 8 (Spring 2017) 1 4 English Linköping, Valla E
6CIEI Industrial Engineering and Management - International, M Sc in Engineering (Specialization Electrical Engineering) 8 (Spring 2017) 1 4 English Linköping, Valla E
6CIII Industrial Engineering and Management, M Sc in Engineering 8 (Spring 2017) 1 4 English Linköping, Valla E
6CIII Industrial Engineering and Management, M Sc in Engineering (Master Profile Telecommunication) 8 (Spring 2017) 1 4 English Linköping, Valla E
6CIII Industrial Engineering and Management, M Sc in Engineering (Specialization Electrical Engineering) 8 (Spring 2017) 1 4 English Linköping, Valla E
6CITE Information Technology, M Sc in Engineering 8 (Spring 2017) 1 4 English Linköping, Valla E
6CITE Information Technology, M Sc in Engineering (Communication) 8 (Spring 2017) 1 4 English Linköping, Valla E

Main field of study

Electrical Engineering

Course level

Second cycle

Advancement level


Course offered for

  • Applied Physics and Electrical Engineering, M Sc in Engineering
  • Computer Science and Engineering, M Sc in Engineering
  • Information Technology, M Sc in Engineering
  • Electronics Engineering, Master's programme
  • Communication Systems, Master's programme
  • Applied Physics and Electrical Engineering - International, M Sc in Engineering
  • Industrial Engineering and Management, M Sc in Engineering
  • Industrial Engineering and Management - International, M Sc in Engineering

Specific information

The course has been withdrawn

Entry requirements

Note: Admission requirements for non-programme students usually also include admission requirements for the programme and threshold requirements for progression within the programme, or corresponding.


Signal Theory and Digital Communications.

Intended learning outcomes

The course provides basic knowledge about problems and methods for construction of radio communication systems. The main emphasis is on digital radio systems. In particular it is illustrated how different forms of signal processing are used for the construction of efficient radio communication systems. After completed course the student should be able to

  • perform link budget calculations in connection to the design of wireless communication links.
  • identify and describe various physical and statistical fading channel models.
  • present modulation techniques for wireless communication and their spectral properties as well as evaluate their performance over fading channels.
  • give an account for coding techniques which can be used for improvement of the transmission reliability.
  • describe and solve problems about direct sequence and frequency hopping band spreading techniques.
  • analyse and describe properties for various diversity methods.
  • present and use the basic principles for design and analysis of wireless cellular systems
  • give an account and solve problems about ARQ and some basic multiple access techniques.


Course content

Course contents:
Lectures and exercise sessions treat the following areas within radio communications:

  • Basics about radio communication systems: utilisation of the frequency spectrum, varioust radio systems.
  • System oriented antenna and wave propagation theory: propagation in free space, in the troposphere, in the ionosphere, basic antenna theory, link budget.
  • Probabilistic channel models: fading channels, time and frequency dispersive channels, digital channel models.
  • Modulation methods for the radio channel: bit-error-rate analysis in fading channels, spectral properties, spectral efficient modulation,OFDM.
  • Diversity methods: principles, weighting, performance.
  • Coding for radio channels: methods for burst error correction, coding gain.
  • Spread spectrum techniques: frequency hopping, direct sequence systems.
  • Wireless packet transmission: ARQ, multiple access techniques - ALOHA and CSMA.
  • Wireless cellular systems: basic concepts, frequency reuse capacity calculations.
  • Practical examples: GSM, WLAN. 

Teaching and working methods

The course consists of lectures, exercise sessions and a
project work. The project is performed in groups of two
students. Each group chooses a topic from a list provided by
the lecturer. The group work starts with a search for suitable
information sources which have to be approved by the lecturer.
The work is expected to take approximately 5 weeks and results
in a written report. The course is concluded with two lectures
where the presence is compulsory on which the groups present
their projects. The lectures are given simultaneously with the
project work.


LAB1Laboratory work2 creditsU, G
TEN1Written examination4 creditsU, 3, 4, 5


Four-grade scale, LiU, U, 3, 4, 5


Institutionen för systemteknik

Director of Studies or equivalent

Klas Nordberg


Danyo Danev

Course website and other links


Education components

Preliminary scheduled hours: 48 h
Recommended self-study hours: 112 h

Course literature

Additional literature


  • Lars Ahlin, Ben Slimane, Jens Zander, (2006) Principles of Wireless Communications
Code Name Scope Grading scale
LAB1 Laboratory work 2 credits U, G
TEN1 Written examination 4 credits U, 3, 4, 5

Regulations (apply to LiU in its entirety)

The university is a government agency whose operations are regulated by legislation and ordinances, which include the Higher Education Act and the Higher Education Ordinance. In addition to legislation and ordinances, operations are subject to several policy documents. The Linköping University rule book collects currently valid decisions of a regulatory nature taken by the university board, the vice-chancellor and faculty/department boards.

LiU’s rule book for education at first-cycle and second-cycle levels is available at http://styrdokument.liu.se/Regelsamling/Innehall/Utbildning_pa_grund-_och_avancerad_niva. 

Additional literature


Lars Ahlin, Ben Slimane, Jens Zander, (2006) Principles of Wireless Communications

Note: The course matrix might contain more information in Swedish.

I = Introduce, U = Teach, A = Utilize
I U A Modules Comment
1.1 Knowledge of underlying mathematics and science (courses on G1X-level)

1.2 Fundamental engineering knowledge (courses on G1X-level)

1.3 Further knowledge, methods and tools in any of : mathematics, natural sciences, engineering (courses at G2X level)

1.4 Advanced knowledge, methods and tools in any of: mathematics, natural sciences, engineering (courses at A1X level)

1.5 Insight into current research and development work

2.1 Analytical reasoning and problem solving

2.2 Experimentation, investigation, and knowledge discovery

2.3 System thinking

2.4 Attitudes, thought, and learning

2.5 Ethics, equity, and other responsibilities

3.1 Teamwork

3.2 Communications

3.3 Communication in foreign languages

4.1 Societal conditions, including economically, socially and ecologically sustainable development

4.2 Enterprise and business context

4.3 Conceiving, system engineering and management

4.4 Designing

4.5 Implementing

4.6 Operating

5.1 Societal conditions, including economically, socially and ecologically sustainable development within research or development projects

5.2 Economic conditions for research or development projects

5.3 Identification of needs, structuring and planning of research or development projects

5.4 Execution of research or development projects

5.5 Presentation and evaluation of research or development projects


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