Supplementary study programme to biomedical scientist, 60 credits

Ettårig kompletteringsutbildning till biomedicinsk analytikerexamen, 60 hp


Teaching language





Degree of Bachelor of Science in Biomedical Laboratory Science.

Pace of study


Entry requirements

    Degree in Swedish

    Efter fullbordat program om 60 hp utfärdas på begäran av studenten ett examensbevis med benämningen biomedicinsk analytikerexamen.

    Degree in English

    Degree of Bachelor of Science in Biomedical Laboratory Science.

    Semester 1 Spring 2025

    Preliminary courses
    Course code Course name Credits Level Weeks ECV
    8BMX13 Biomedical Laboratory Science and Pathophysiology 30.0 G2X C

    Semester 2 Autumn 2025

    Preliminary courses
    Course code Course name Credits Level Weeks ECV
    8BMX11 Applied Clinical Laboratory Methodology 15 G2X C
    8BMX12 Advanced and Applied Clinical Laboratory Methodology 15 G2X C