Master's Programme in Child Studies, 120 credits

Master's Programme in Child Studies, 120 hp


Teaching language





Degree of Master of Social Science (60/120 credits) with a major in Child Studies

Pace of study



The Master’s Programme in Child Studies is a two-year, full-time study programme at advanced level. Instruction will take place in the form of distance learning online combined with shorter periods of campus-based instruction. Students who wish to complete only one year of the programme can apply for a Master’s Degree in Child Studies (60 credits) after having successfully completed all courses of the first and second terms. Successful completion of all courses of the programme’s four semesters gives a student the right to apply for a Master’s Degree in Child Studies (120 credits).

The programme offers students in-depth knowledge for working at governmental authorities as well as local organizations, both governmental and non-governmental (NGO), whose activities affect children and their living conditions. The programme also provides professionals in the fields of, for example, education, politics, social work and care, with cutting-edge knowledge in issues dealing with children and their living conditions. It also provides preparation for research studies related to Child and Childhood Studies.


National Qualifications according to the Swedish Higher Education Act 

Knowledge and understanding

For a Master of Social Science (60 credits) degree the student shall: 

• demonstrate knowledge and understanding in Child Studies, including both an overview of the field and specialised knowledge in certain areas of the field as well as insight into current research and development work, and

• demonstrate specialised methodological knowledge in Child Studies.


For a Master of Social Science (120 credits) the student shall:

• demonstrate knowledge and understanding in Child Studies, including both broad knowledge of the field and a considerable degree of specialised knowledge in certain areas of the field as well as insight into current research and development work, and

• demonstrate specialised methodological knowledge in Child Studies. 


Competence and skills 

For a Master of Social Science (60 credits) degree the student shall: 

• demonstrate the ability to integrate knowledge and analyse, assess and deal with complex phenomena, issues and situations even with limited information

• demonstrate the ability to identify and formulate issues autonomously as well as to plan and, using appropriate methods, undertake advanced tasks within predetermined time frames

• demonstrate the ability in speech and writing to report clearly and discuss his or her conclusions and the knowledge and arguments on which they are based in dialogue with different audiences, and

• demonstrate the skills required for participation in research and development work or employment in some other qualified capacity.


For a Master of Social Science (120 credits) the student shall:

• demonstrate the ability to critically and systematically integrate knowledge and analyse, assess and deal with complex phenomena, issues and situations even with limited information

• demonstrate the ability to identify and formulate issues critically, autonomously and creatively as well as to plan and, using appropriate methods, undertake advanced tasks within predetermined time frames and so contribute to the formation of knowledge as well as the ability to evaluate this work

• demonstrate the ability in speech and writing both nationally and internationally to report clearly and discuss his or her conclusions and the knowledge and arguments on which they are based in dialogue with different audiences, and 

• demonstrate the skills required for participation in research and development work or autonomous employment in some other qualified capacity.


Judgement and approach

For a Master of Social Science (60 credits) degree the student shall: 

• demonstrate the ability to make assessments in the main field of study informed by relevant disciplinary, social and ethical issues and also to demonstrate awareness of ethical aspects of research and development work

• demonstrate insight into the possibilities and limitations of research, its role in society and the responsibility of the individual for how it is used, and

• demonstrate the ability to identify the personal need for further knowledge and take responsibility for his or her ongoing learning.


For a Master of Social Science (120 credits) the student shall: 

• demonstrate the ability to make assessments in Child Studies informed by relevant disciplinary, social and ethical issues and also to demonstrate awareness of ethical aspects of research and development work 

• demonstrate insight into the possibilities and limitations of research, its role in society and the responsibility of the individual for how it is used, and 

• demonstrate the ability to identify the personal need for further knowledge and take responsibility for his or her ongoing learning.


Local Qualifications

For a Master of Social Science with a major in Child Studies (60 credits) the student shall:

• demonstrate skill in the use of IT and digital resources in the learning process, and

• demonstrate knowledge of how an interdisciplinary approach is used to analyse questions dealing with children and childhood.


For a Master of Social Science with a major in Child Studies (120 credits) the student shall also:

• demonstrate knowledge of how an interdisciplinary approach is used in research related to children and childhood.


Courses on the programme serve to introduce students to the methodological approaches, theoretical perspectives and knowledge of the interdisciplinary research field of child studies. During the first term students are introduced to the disciplinary perspectives that have contributed to the development of the field of child and childhood studies: historical, anthropological and sociological perspectives. The courses during the first term provide the basis for in-depth study of thematically organized courses in relation to specific topics related to children and childhood during terms 2 to 4. Course content will give students opportunities to summarize, discuss and critically review research and political arguments concerning children and childhood.

Each year of the programme is concluded with a 15 credits thesis course, during which students will be guided to design and carry out a small-scale research study. Students are prepared for this task through thesis preparatory assignments in the courses that precede the thesis courses as well as two methodology courses, during terms 2 and 4. The methodology courses address questions related to research ethics, methods of analysis and epistemology.

The programme is characterised by progression in both knowledge and skills in Child Studies, moving from disciplinary to thematically, interdisciplinary approaches to the study of children and childhood, from the summary to the critical review of research, from the consumption to the production of research results and from a focus on the collection and analysis of empirical data in the thesis course on the first year to the informed application of theoretical perspectives for the interpretation of research results in the thesis course on the second year.

The heading “Curriculum” contains a list of courses included in the programme. The course syllabuses for these describe in more detail the contents, teaching and working methods, and examination.

Teaching and working methods

The programme combines distance learning online with some shorter periods of instruction on campus. Students are expected to participate in instruction both on campus and online. The programme demands full time studies but its online format gives students a certain amount of flexibility as to where and when they conduct their study related tasks. Furthermore, the online format requires students to be able to work independently and engage in self-study.

Instruction takes the form of lectures, seminars, group exercises, on-line discussions, feedback on assignments and individual supervision. The programme places great emphasis on critical thinking through the stimulation of the exchange of thoughts on course content between students, and between students and faculty, through the analysis and discussion of written texts and through written assignments. 

The design of the programme implies that students must interact with their teachers and fellow students via a digital classroom and by way of electronic channels, this means that the students must have access to stable internet connection. 

The course syllabuses describe in more detail the contents, teaching and working methods, and examination.

Entry requirements

  • Bachelor's degree equivalent to a Swedish Kandidatexamen within the humanities, social sciences or the behavioral sciences with a major relevant to the programme. 
    Examples of fields:
    - anthropology
    - education
    - history
    - communication studies
    - media studies
    - language studies
    - psychology
    - social work
    - sociology
    - political science
    or equivalent
  • English corresponding to the level of English in Swedish upper secondary education (Engelska 6)
    Exemption from Swedish

    Threshold requirements

    Access to the course Master´s Thesis (one year), 15 ECTS credits, requires that the student has successfully completed the course Introduction to Child Studies, 7,5 ECTS credits and at least 5 ECTS credits from the course Research Methods in Child Studies.

    Access to the course Research Methods and Epistemology in Child Studies, 7,5 ECTS credits, requires that the student has successfully completed the course Research Methods in Child Studies, 7,5 ECTS credits.

    Access to the course Master’s Thesis (two year), 15 ECTS credits, requires that the student has successfully completed the Master’s Thesis (one year) and at least 5 ECTS credits from the course Research Methods and Epistemology in Child Studies in the second semester.

    Degree requirements

    The student will be awarded a Degree of Master of Social Science (60/120 credits) with a major in Child Studies provided all course requirements  on the first year, or on both years of the programme, are completed and that the student fulfills the general and specific eligibility requirements including proof of holding a Bachelor's (kandidat) or a corresponding degree. 

    Completed courses will be listed in the degree certificate.

    Course requirements to achieve a degree can be found in Appendix 2 to the Higher Education Ordinance (1993:100). Precise requirements for general degrees at first-cycle and second-cycle level can be found in LiU's current regulations.

    A degree certificate will be issued by the faculty board on application by the student. A diploma supplement will be included as an appendix to the degree certificate.

    Degree in Swedish

    Filosofie masterexamen med huvudområde Barn alternativt Filosofie magisterexamen med huvudområde Barn

    Degree in English

    Degree of Master of Social Science (60/120 credits) with a major in Child Studies

    Specific information

    Teaching language

    The teaching language is English.

    Technical requirements

    The student must have access to email and the Internet. All courses are presented in a variety of multimedia formats. To ensure an online learning and to actively participate in training and communicating with fellow students and teachers, students must have access to the right hardware and software. Information about any special requirements that may be needed for a course can be found in the specific course syllabus for that course.

    Transferred credits

    Decisions about transferring credit are taken by the faculty board, or by a person designated by the board, after application from the student.

    Other information

    If special circumstances prevail, the vice-chancellor may in a special decision specify the preconditions for temporary deviations from this programme syllabus, and delegate the right to take such decisions.

    Transition rules

    Students who resume their studies after a study leave will continue their studies in accordance with the most recent revision of the programme syllabus.

    Semester 1 Autumn 2024

    Semester 2 Spring 2025

    Course code Course name Credits Level Weeks ECV
    736A29 Research Methods in Child Studies 7.5 A1N v202504-202508 C
    736A30 Children's Rights 7.5 A1N v202509-202513 C
    736A41 Master´s Thesis (one year) 15 A1E v202514-202523 C

    Semester 3 Autumn 2025

    Course code Course name Credits Level Weeks ECV
    736A32 Children, Parents, and Family Life 7.5 A1F v202534-202538 C
    736A40 Children, School, and Education 7.5 A1F v202539-202543 C
    736A34 Children, Migration, and Transnational Childhoods 7.5 A1F v202544-202548 C
    736A33 Children, Gender, and Sexuality 7.5 A1F v202549-202603 C

    Semester 4 Spring 2026

    Preliminary courses
    Course code Course name Credits Level Weeks ECV
    736A36 Research Methods and Epistemology in Child Studies 7.5 A1N C
    736A37 Children’s Health and Development in a Global World 7.5 A1N C
    736A38 Master’s Thesis in Child Studies (two year) 15 A2E C