To do Exhibitions: Space, Audiences, and Society, 30 credits

Att göra utställning: rum, publik och samhälle, 30 hp


Main field of study

Culture and Media Production

Course level

First cycle

Course type

Single subject and programme course


Anna Berglind

Course coordinator

Anna Berglind


Anna Berglind, Kursansvarig

Jonas Johansson, Studievägledare

Ulrika Sund, Administratör

ECV = Elective / Compulsory / Voluntary
Course offered for Semester Weeks Language Campus ECV
Single subject course (Half-time, Day-time) Autumn 2022 202234-202323 Swedish Norrköping

Main field of study

Culture and Media Production

Course level

First cycle

Advancement level


Entry requirements

General entry requirements for undergraduate studies


If special circumstances prevail, and if it is possible with consideration of the nature of the compulsory component, the examiner may decide to replace the compulsory component with another equivalent component.

If the LiU coordinator for students with disabilities has granted a student the right to an adapted examination for a written examination in an examination hall, the student has the right to it.

If the coordinator has recommended for the student an adapted examination or alternative form of examination, the examiner may grant this if the examiner assesses that it is possible, based on consideration of the course objectives.

An examiner may also decide that an adapted examination or alternative form of examination if the examiner assessed that special circumstances prevail, and the examiner assesses that it is possible while maintaining the objectives of the course.

Students failing an exam covering either the entire course or part of the course twice are entitled to have a new examiner appointed for the reexamination.

Students who have passed an examination may not retake it in order to improve their grades.


Three-grade scale, U, G, VG

Other information

Planning and implementation of a course must take its starting point in the wording of the syllabus. The course evaluation included in each course must therefore take up the question how well the course agrees with the syllabus. 

The course is carried out in such a way that both men´s and women´s experience and knowledge is made visible and developed.

If special circumstances prevail, the vice-chancellor may in a special decision specify the preconditions for temporary deviations from this course syllabus, and delegate the right to take such decisions.


Institutionen för kultur och samhälle
Code Name Scope Grading scale
EXA1 Examination 7.5 credits U, G, VG
EXA2 Examination 7.5 credits U, G, VG
EXA3 Examination 7.5 credits U, G, VG
EXA4 Examination 7.5 credits U, G, VG

Regulary literature


Børrud Huseby, Hege, Cederholm, Pia, (2017) Museumsutstillinger : å forstå, skape og vurdere natur- og kulturhistoriske utstillinger Trondheim : Museumsforlaget, 2017

ISBN: 9788283050479

Broms, Helene, Göransson, Anders, (2012) Kultur i rörelse : en historia om Riksutställningar och kulturpolitiken Stockholm : Atlas, 2012

ISBN: 9789173893565

Forssberg, Anna Maria, Sennefelt, Karin, (2014) Fråga föremålen : handbok till historiska studier av materiell kultur 1. uppl. Lund : Studentlitteratur, 2014

ISBN: 9789144089805

Hyltén-Cavallius, Charlotte, Svanberg, Fredrik, (2016) Älskade museum : svenska kulturhistoriska museer som kulturproducenter och samhällsbyggare Lund : Nordic Academic Press, 2016

ISBN: 9789188168443

Malm, Magdalena, Wik, Annika, (2012) Imagining the audience : viewing positions in curatorial and artistic practice Stockholm : Art and Theory Publishing, 2012

ISBN: 9789197998550

Schreibman, Susan, Siemens, Ray, Unsworth, John, (2016) A new companion to digital humanities Chichester : John Wiley & Sons, 2016

ISBN: 9781118680643, 9781118680599

Witcomb, Andrea, Message, Kylie, (2015) The International Handbooks of Museum Studies

ISBN: 1405198508, 9781405198509

Additional literature


Hauptman, Katherine, Odebäck Näversköld, Kerstin, (2014) Genusförbart : inspiration, erfarenheter och metoder för mångfald i museiarbete Lund : Nordic Academic Press, 2014

ISBN: 9789187675058

Holmberg, Ingrid Martins, (2014) Vägskälens kulturarv - kulturarv vid vägskäl : om att skapa plats för romer och resande i kulturarvet Göteborg : Stockholm : Makadam, 2014

ISBN: 9789170611650


Museerna & hbtq: en analys av hur museer och andra utställare kan belysa perspektiv rörande homosexuella, bisexuella, transpersoner och queera personer.
Museerna och mångfalden. En analys av hur den svenska museisektorn kan stödja och ta vara på utvecklingspotentialen i det mångkulturella Sverige


Litteraturlistan uppdaterad: 2022-06-02

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