Professionalism, Ethics, and Cooperation in Social Work, 15 credits

Professionalitet, etik och samverkan i socialt arbete, 15 hp


Main field of study

Social Work

Course level

First cycle

Course type

Single subject and programme course


Karin Osvaldsson Cromdal

Course coordinator

Leonard Ngaosuvan

Director of studies or equivalent

Veronika Wallroth
ECV = Elective / Compulsory / Voluntary
Course offered for Semester Weeks Language Campus ECV
F7YSC Social Work Study Programme 4 (Autumn 2021) 202145-202203 Swedish Norrköping, Norrköping C

Main field of study

Social Work

Course level

First cycle

Advancement level


Course offered for

  • Social Work Study Programme

Entry requirements

General entry requirements for undergraduate studies
Mathematics and Social Studies corresponding to the level in Swedish upper secondary education (Matematik 2a/2b/2c, Samhällskunskap 1b/(1a1 and 1a2)
45 ECTS credits passed from semester 1 and 2


If the LiU coordinator for students with disabilities has granted a student the right to an adapted examination for a written examination in an examination hall, the student has the right to it. If the coordinator has instead recommended for the student an adapted examination or alternative form of examination, the examiner may grant this if the examiner assesses that it is possible, based on consideration of the course objectives.

Students failing an exam covering either the entire course or part of the course twice are entitled to have a new examiner appointed for the reexamination.

Students who have passed an examination may not retake it in order to improve their grades.


Three-grade scale, U, G, VG

Other information

Planning and implementation of a course must take its starting point in the wording of the syllabus. The course evaluation included in each course must therefore take up the question how well the course agrees with the syllabus. 

The course is carried out in such a way that both men´s and women´s experience and knowledge is made visible and developed.


Institutionen för kultur och samhälle
Code Name Scope Grading scale
EXM1 Take Home Exam 6 credits U, G, VG
FÄR2 Exercises 0.5 credits U, G
FÄR3 Exercises 0.5 credits U, G
FÄR5 Exercises 0.5 credits U, G
FÄR7 Exercises 0.5 credits U, G
FÄR8 Exercises 1 credits U, G
INL1 Exercises 2 credits U, G
SEM1 Exercises 1 credits U, G
SEM2 Exercises 1 credits U, G
SEM4 Exercises 1 credits U, G
FÄR9 Exercises 0.5 credits U, G
FÄ10 Exercises 0.5 credits U, G


Ahrne Göran; Svensson Peter (Red)., (2015) Handbok i kvalitativa metoder. Stockholm, Natur & Kultur.
Akademikerförbundet SSR. , (2017) Etik i socialt arbete– Etisk kod för socialarbetare.
Carlander, Jakob; Wedeen, Andreas., (2019.) Att förstå sin egen utsatthet -stöd för professionella i människovårdande yrken. Liber.
Christoffersen, Svein Aage (red.)., (2017.) Professionsetik. Malmö: Gleerups.
Henriksen, Jan-Olav & Vetlesen, Arne Johan. , (2013.) Etik i arbete med människor. 3:e rev. uppl. Lund: Studentlitteratur.
International Federation of Social Workers (IFSW)., (2018.) Global Social Work Statement of Ethical Principles
Johansson, Staffan; Dellgran Peter och Höjer, Staffan (Red) ., (2015.) Människobehandlande organisationer. Villkor för ledning, styrning och professionellt välfärdsarbete. . Stockholm: Natur och kultur.
Lennéer-Axelson, Barbro & Thylefors, Ingela. , (2013) Konflikter: uppkomst, dynamik och hantering. 2:a omarb. rev. utg. Stockholm: Natur & kultur.
Pettersson, Ulla., (2018.) Etik och socialtjänst, om förutsättningar för det sociala arbetets etik. Malmö: Gleerups.
Socialstyre.lsen, (2018.) Krisstöd vid allvarlig händelse.
Söderberg, Christina., (2016.) Individinriktad brottsprevention – om SSPF och viljan att samverka [Individual prevention – on SSPF and the will to collaborate]. Norrköping : Linköpings universitet.


Banks, Sarah., “Interprofessional Ethics: A Developing Field? Notes from the Ethics & Social Welfare Conference, Sheffield, UK, May 2010”. Ethics and Social Welfare. 4(3)/2010/280-294.
Banks, Sarah. , ” Negotiating personal engagement and professional accountability: professional wisdom and ethics work.” European Journal of Social Work 16(5)/2012/ 587-604.
Boddy, Jennifer & Dominelli Lena., ”Social media and social work: The challenge of a new ethical space” Australian social work. 2016/DOI: 10.1080/0312407X.2016.1224907
Brante, Thomas., “The Professional Landscape: The Historical Development of Professions in Sweden” Professions and professionalism. 3(2)/2013/ 1-18.
Danermark, Berth, Englund, Ulrika, Germundsson, Per & Ratinaud., “French and Swedish teachers' social representations of social workers”. European Journal of Social Work. 17(4)/2014/ 491-507.
Dunér, Anna & Wolmesjö Maria., “Interprofessional Collaboration in Swedish health and social care from a care manager’s perspective”. European Journal of Social Work. 18(3)/2015/ 354-369.
Erik Nordström, Irene Josephson, Berith Hedberg & Sofia Kjellström., "Agenda för samverkan eller verksamhetens agenda? - Om professionellas erfarenheter av samverkan enligt samordnad individuell plan ". Socialvetenskaplig tidskrift. 2016:1
Hall, Pippa., “Interprofessional teamwork: Professional cultures as Barriers”. Journal of Interprofessional Care. 19(sup1)/2005/ 188-196.
Sinding, Christina, Warren, Rachel & Paton, Cathy ., "Social work and the arts: Images at the intersection". Qualitative Social Work. 13 (2)/2014/187-202.

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