Educational Sciences 6, Special Needs Education, 7.5 credits

Utbildningsvetenskaplig kärna 6, Specialpedagogik, 7.5 hp


The course is disused. Offered for the last time Spring semester 2021. Replaced by 9AUK62.

Main field of study

Special Education

Course level

First cycle

Course type

Programme course


Dörte Bernhard

Director of studies or equivalent

Lotta Holme

Main field of study

Special Education

Course level

First cycle

Advancement level


Course offered for

  • Secondary School Teacher Programme with a specialization in Teaching in the Upper-Secondary School, subject Biology
  • Secondary School Teacher Programme with a specialization in Teaching in the Upper-Secondary School, subject English
  • Secondary School Teacher Programme with a specialization in Teaching in the Upper-Secondary School, subject History
  • Secondary School Teacher Programme with a specialization in Teaching in the Upper-Secondary School, subject Internationell Mathematics
  • Secondary School Teacher Programme with a specialization in Teaching in the Upper-Secondary School, subject Internationell Social Studies
  • Secondary School Teacher Programme with a specialization in Teaching in the Upper-Secondary School, subject Mathematics
  • Secondary School Teacher Programme with a specialization in Teaching in the Upper-Secondary School, subject Social Studies
  • Secondary School Teacher Programme with a specialization in Teaching in the Upper-Secondary School, subject Swedish


Students failing an exam covering either the entire course or part of the course two times are entitled to have a new examiner appointed for the reexamination.

Students who have passed an examination may not retake it in order to improve their grades.


Three-grade scale, U, G, VG

Other information

Planning and implementation of a course must take its starting point in the wording of the syllabus. The course evaluation included in each course must therefore take up the question how well the course agrees with the syllabus. The course is carried out in such a way that both men´s and women´s experience and knowledge is made visible and developed.


Institutionen för beteendevetenskap och lärande

No examination details is to be found.

Ahlström, Karl-Georg (2011). The Origin of Special Education in Sweden. Education Inquiry, 2(2), 179-192. Barow, Thomas (2013). Mångfald och differentiering. Inkludering i praktisk tillämpning. Lund: Studentlitteratur. (utvalda kapitel: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5) Berhanu, Girma (2011). Inclusive education in Sweden. Responses, challenges, and prospects. International Journal of special education, 26 (2), 128-148. Eriksson Gustavsson, Anna-Lena, Göransson, Kerstin & Nilholm, Claes (red.) (2011). Specialpedagogisk verksamhet i grundskolan. Lund: Studentlitteratur. Gy 11 (2011). Läroplan, examensmål och gymnasiegemensamma ämnen för gymnasieskola 2011. Stockholm: Skolverket. [12] Lgr 11 (2011). Läroplan för grundskolan, förskoleklassen och fritidshemmet 2011. Stockholm: Skolverket. [13] Nilholm, Claes (2007). Perspektiv på specialpedagogik. Lund: Studentlitteratur. Nilholm, Claes (2006). Special education, inclusion and democracy. European Journal of Special Needs Education, 21(4), 431-445. Persson, Bengt (2013). Elevers olikheter och specialpedagogisk kunskap, 3. uppl., Stockholm: Persson, Elisabeth (2013). Raising achievement through inclusion, International journal of inclusive education, 17 (11), 1205-1220. SKOLFS 2010:37. Förordning om läroplan för grundskolan, förskoleklassen och fritidshemmet. Skolverket. Skollag 2010:800. Skolverket (2011). Särskilt stöd i grundskolan. Reviderad 2011. En sammanställning av senare års forskning och utvärdering. Stockholm: Skolverket. Skolverkets allmänna råd (2013). Arbete med åtgärdsprogram för elever i behov av särskilt stöd. Skolverket: Stockholm. Specialpedagogiska Skolmyndigheten (SPSM) (2013). Inkluderande undervisning. Vad kan man lära av forskningen? Claes Nilholm & Kerstin Göransson. Online [14-04-2014] Svenska Unescorådet (2006). Salamancadeklarationen och Salamanca +10, Stockholm: Svenska Unescorådets skriftserie 2/2006. [18-02-2014] United Nations (1989). Convention on the Rights of the Child. [18-02-2014] Utrikesdepartement (SÖ 2008: 26) Konventionen om rättigheter för personer med funktionsnedsättning (ICRPD). [18-02-2014] Valbar litteratur: Asp Onsjö, Lisa (2008). Åtgärdsprogram i praktiken: att arbeta med elevdokumentation i skolan. Lund: Studentlitteratur. Heilskov Elvén, Bo (2009). Problemskapande beteende vid utvecklingsmässiga funktionshinder. Lund: Studentlitteratur. Persson, Bengt & Persson, Elisabeth (2012). Inkludering och måluppfyllelse. Att nå framgång med alla elever. Liber: Stockholm. PiUS (2006). Skrivråd. Linköping: Linköpings Universitet, Institutionen för beteendevetenskap. (15 s) 2 vetenskapliga internationella artiklar

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