Theory and Method in Scientific Work, 7.5 credits

Vetenskapsteori och forskningmetod. Kvalitativ analys, 7.5 hp


Main field of study

Pedagogical Work

Course level

Second cycle

Course type

Programme course


Paul Horton

Course coordinator

Paul Horton

Director of studies or equivalent

Margareta Engvall
ECV = Elective / Compulsory / Voluntary
Course offered for Semester Weeks Language Campus ECV
L7MPD Late admission, Master program in Special Education, Part time (half time) (Special Education, Part time (half time)) 1 (Autumn 2018) 201834-201903 Swedish Linköping, Valla C/E
L7MPD Master program in Education with Emphasis in Outdoor Didactics, Part time (half time) (Edication with Emphasis in Outdoor Didactics, Part time (half time)) 5 (Autumn 2018) 201834-201903 Swedish Linköping, Valla C/E
L7MPD Master program in Pedagogical Practices, Part time (half time) (Pedagogical Practices, Part time (half time)) 5 (Autumn 2018) 201834-201903 Swedish Linköping, Valla C/E
L7MPD Master program in Special Education Part time (quarter time) (Special Education, Part time (quarter time)) 1 (Autumn 2018) 201834-201903 Swedish Linköping, Valla C/E
L7MPS Masterprogramme in Education with emphasis in Outdoor Didactics (Education with Emphasis in Outdoor Didactics) 13 (Autumn 2018) 201834-201903 Swedish Linköping, Valla C/E
L7MPS Masterprogramme in Education with emphasis in Outdoor Didactics (Educatuion With Emphasis in Outdoor Didactics) 11 (Autumn 2018) 201834-201903 Swedish Linköping, Valla C/E
L7MPS Masterprogramme in Pedagogic Practices (Pedagogical Practices) 11 (Autumn 2018) 201834-201903 Swedish Linköping, Valla C/E
L7MPS Masterprogramme in Pedagogic Practices (Pedagogical Practices) 13 (Autumn 2018) 201834-201903 Swedish Linköping, Valla C/E

Main field of study

Pedagogical Work

Course level

Second cycle

Advancement level


Course offered for

  • Master´s programme in Pedagogical Practices/Education with Emphasis in Outdoor Didactics/Special Education
  • Master´s programme in Pedagogical Practices/Education with emphasis in Outdoor Didactics/Special Education


Applies to all courses regardless of grading scale.

  • Students failing an exam covering either the entire course or part of the course two times are entitled to have a new examiner appointed for the reexamination.

If the course has a three-graded grading scale (U - VG), following applies:

  • Students who have passed an examination may not retake it in order to improve their grades.

If the course is a VfU course, the following applies:

  • Examination of applied social and didactic abilities is limited to three (3) occasions.


Three-grade scale, U, G, VG

Other information

Planning and implementation of a course must take its starting point in the wording of the syllabus. The course evaluation included in each course must therefore take up the question how well the course agrees with the syllabus.

The course is carried out in such a way that both men´s and women´s experience and knowledge is made visible and developed.


Institutionen för beteendevetenskap och lärande
Code Name Scope Grading scale
SRE3 Examination 4.5 credits U, G, VG
SRE2 Examination 1.5 credits U, G
SRE1 Examination 1.5 credits U, G
Kursbok Fejes, Andreas & Thornberg, Robert (2014). Handbok i kvalitativ analys. Andra upplagan. Stockholm: Liber. Artiklar Artiklarna kan laddas ner kostnadsfritt på universitetsbibliotekets hemsida ( under fliken ”Tidskrifter” (för att ha tillgång till tidskrifterna behöver du dock vara registrerad som studerande vid LiU): Kursmoment 1 Introduktion Fejes, A., & Thornberg, R. (2014). Kvalitativ forskning och kvalitativ analys. I A. Fejes & R. Thornberg (red.), Handbok i kvalitativ analys. Andra upplagen, (s. 16-43). Stockholm: Liber. Grundad teori Evans, G. L. (2013). A Novice Researcher’s First Walk Through the Maze of Grounded Theory: Rationalisation for Classical Grounded Theory. The Grounded Theory Review, 12 (1): 37-55. Forsberg, C. (2017). Bullying and Negotiated Identities: Perspectives of 7th and 8th Grade Girls. Children & Society, 31: 414-426. Hallberg, L. R. (2006). The “core category” of grounded theory: Making constant comparisons. International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being, 1: 141-148. Thornberg, R., & Forslund Frykedal, K. (2014). Grundad teori. I A. Fejes & R. Thornberg (red.), Handbok i kvalitativ analys. Andra upplagen (s. 44–70). Stockholm: Liber. Kursmoment 2 Konversationsanalys Goodwin, M. (2002). Exclusion in girls’ peer groups: Ethnographic analysis of language practices on the playground. Human Development, 45: 392–415. Karlsson, M. (2017). ”Ser ni att det är någon som är ledsen här nu?”: Barn och vuxna hanterar moraliska problem i förskolans verksamhet. Educare, 2: 7–30. Tholander, M. & Cekaite, A. (2015). Konversationsanalys. I A. Fejes och R. Thornberg (red.), Handbok i kvalitativ analys. Andra upplagan (s. 194–217). Stockholm: Liber. Diskursanalys Bolander, E., & Fejes, A. (2015). Diskursanalys. I A. Fejes & R. Thornberg (red.), Handbok i kvalitativ analys. Andra upplagen (s. 90-114). Stockholm: Liber. Fejes, A., & Haake, U. (2013). Caring and daring discourses at work: doing gender through occupational choices in elderly care and police work. Vocations and Learning 6: 281-295. Olsson, M., Fejes, A., Dahlstedt, M., & Nicoll, K. (2015). Citizenship discourses: production and curriculum. British Journal of Sociology of Education 36 (7): 1036- 1053. Ryan, A., & Morgan, M. (2011). Bullying in secondary schools: through a discursive lens. Kotuitui: New Zealand Journal of Social Sciences Online, 6 (1–2): 1–14. Kursmoment 3 Narrativ analys De Wet, C. (2015). The professional lives of teacher victims of workplace bullying: A narrative analysis. Perspectives in Education, 29 (4): 66–77. Jepson Wigg, U. (2015). Att analysera livsberättelser. I A. Fejes & R. Thornberg (red.), Handbok i kvalitativ analys. Andra upplagen (s. 238–255). Stockholm: Liber. Löfgren, H. (2016). A noisy silence about care: Swedish preschool teachers’ talk about documentation. Early Years, 36 (1): 4–16. Fältforskning Elvstrand, H., Högberg, R., & Nordvall, H. (2015). Analysarbete inom fältforskning. I A. Fejes & R. Thornberg (red.), Handbok i kvalitativ analys. Andra upplagan (s. 218– 237). Stockholm: Liber. Elvstrand, H., & Närvänen, A. L. (2016). Children’s own perspectives on participation in leisure-time centers in Sweden. American Journal of Educational Research, 4 (6): 496-503. Nordmark, M. (2017). Writing roles: A model for understanding students’ digital writing and the positions that they adopt as writers. Computers and Composition, 46: 56-71. Kursuppgift 1 Hammersley, M. (2007). The issue of quality in qualitative research. International Journal of Research & Method in Education, 30 (3): 287-305. Thornberg, R., & Fejes, A. (2014). Kvalitet och generaliserbarhet i kvalitativa studier. I A. Fejes & R. Thornberg (red.), Handbok i Kvalitativ Analys. Andra upplagen, (s. 256–277). Stockholm: Liber. Kursuppgift 2 (välja en) Forsberg, C., & Thornberg, R. (2016). The social ordering of belonging: Children’s perspectives on bullying. International Journal of Educational Research, 78: 13-23. Hallström, J., Elvstrand, H., & Hellberg, K. (2015). Gender and technology in free play in Swedish early childhood education. International Journal of Technology and Design Education, 25 (2): 137–149. Löfgren, H. (2017). Learning in preschool: Teachers’ talk about their work with documentation in Swedish preschools. Journal of Early Childhood Research, 15 (2): 130-143. Tholander, M. (2007). Working with rules: lived democracy in school. Ethnography and Education, 2 (1): 109-126.

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