Young Children´s Play and Culture, 7.5 credits

Yngre barns lek och kultur, 7.5 hp


Main field of study

Pedagogical Work

Course level

Second cycle

Course type

Programme course


Katarina Elfström Pettersson

Course coordinator

Katarina Elfström Pettersson

Director of studies or equivalent

Birgitta Plymoth
ECV = Elective / Compulsory / Voluntary
Course offered for Semester Weeks Language Campus ECV
L7MPD Master program in Pedagogical practices with emphasis in young children’s learning (half time) (Younger children´s learning, Part time (Half time)) 4 (Spring 2019) 201904-201923 Swedish Norrköping, Norrköping C/E

Main field of study

Pedagogical Work

Course level

Second cycle

Advancement level


Course offered for

  • Master´s programme in Pedagogical Practices/Education with Emphasis in Outdoor Didactics/Special Education


Applies to all courses regardless of grading scale.

  • Students failing an exam covering either the entire course or part of the course two times are entitled to have a new examiner appointed for the reexamination.

If the course has a three-graded grading scale (U - VG), following applies:

  • Students who have passed an examination may not retake it in order to improve their grades.

If the course is a VfU course, the following applies:

  • Examination of applied social and didactic abilities is limited to three (3) occasions.


Three-grade scale, U, G, VG

Other information

Planning and implementation of a course must take its starting point in the wording of the syllabus. The course evaluation included in each course must therefore take up the question how well the course agrees with the syllabus.

The course is carried out in such a way that both men´s and women´s experience and knowledge is made visible and developed.


Institutionen för samhälls- och välfärdsstudier
Code Name Scope Grading scale
SRE2 Paper, written and oral presentation 5.5 credits U, G, VG
SRE1 Written course task 2 credits U, G, VG
Corsaro, William A. (2003). "We're friends, right?" inside kids' cultures. Washington, D.C.: Joseph Henry Press. Grieshaber, Susan Jane (2010). The Trouble with Play. Milton Keynes: Open University Press. Jensen, Michael (2013) Lekteorier. Lund: Studentlitteratur Johansson, Eva & Pramling Samuelsson, Ingrid (2006). Lek och läroplan: möten mellan barn och lärare i förskola och skola. Göteborg: Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis. Knutsdotter Olofsson, Birgitta (2017) Den fria lekens pedagogik. Stockholm: Liber Lillemyr, Fredrik Ole. (2002). Lek – upplevelse - lärande i förskola och skola. Stockholm: Liber Löfdahl, Annika. (2007). Kamratkulturer i förskolan – En lek på andras villkor. Stockholm: Liber Sommer, Dion, Pramling Samuelsson, Ingrid & Hundeide, Karsten (2011). Barnperspektiv och barnens perspektiv i teori och praktik. (1. uppl.) Stockholm: Liber. Sutton-Smith, Brian (2008) Play Theory. A Personal Journey and New Thoughts. American Journal of Play, 1(1) 80-123. Tillgänglig på Internet: Vygotskij, Lev Semenovic (1995), Fantasi och kreativitet i barndomen Daidalos Øksnes, Maria. (2011). Lekens flertydighet. Om barns lek i en institutionaliserad barndom. Stockholm: Liber. Tillkommer: valbar litteratur i form av artiklar och avhandlingar, vissa tillgängliga på internet. Referenslitteratur Garvey (1990) Play. Cambridge Mass.: Harvard University Press. Fleer, Marilyn (2010). Early learning and development: cultural-historical concepts in play. Melbourne: Cambridge University Press Hangaard Rasmussen, Torben & Hangaard Rasmussen, Torben (2016). Lek på rätt väg?: på spaning efter leken. 1. uppl. Lund: Studentlitteratur Huizinga, Johan (2014) Homo Ludens: a study of the play-element in culture. Eastford: Martino fine books. Även på svenska: (2004) Den lekande människan: (homo ludens). (2. utg.) Stockholm: Natur och kultur. James, Allison & Prout, Alan (red.) (2015). Constructing and reconstructing childhood: contemporary issues in the sociological study of childhood. ([3. rev. ed.]). London: Routledge. Jensen, Mikael & Harvard, Åsa (red.) (2009). Leka för att lära: utveckling, kognition och kultur. 1. uppl. Lund: Studentlitteratur Klerfelt, Anna & Qvarsell, Birgitta (red.) (2012). Kultur, estetik och barns rätt i pedagogiken. (1. uppl.) Malmö: Gleerups. Lillemyr, Ole Fredrik (2013). Lek på allvar: en spännande utmaning. (1. uppl.) Stockholm: Liber. Lindqvist, Gunilla (2002). Lek i skolan. Lund: Studentlitteratur Löfdahl, Annica (2004). Förskolebarns gemensamma lekar: mening och innehåll. Lund: Studentlitteratur. Piaget, Jean (1955, 1999) Play, dreams and imitation in childhood. London, Routledge. Även utgiven: (1962) New York:W.W. Norton & Company. Saracho, Olivia N. & Spodek, Bernard (red) (1998) Multiple perspectives on play in early childhood education. Albany : State University of New York Press. Sutton-Smith, Brian (1997). The ambiguity of play. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press Thorne, Barrie (1993). Gender play: girls and boys in school. Buckingham: Open University Press Welén, Therese (2003). Kunskap kräver lek. Stockholm: Myndigheten för skolutveckling. Öhman, Margareta (2011). Det viktigaste är att få leka!. Stockholm: Liber

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