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Applied Physics and Electrical Engineering, M Sc in Engineering, 300 credits
Civilingenjör i teknisk fysik och elektroteknik, 300 hp
Teaching language
Master of Science in Applied Physics and Electrical Engineering
Pace of study
The programme syllabus is preliminary
Entry requirements
Degree in Swedish
Civilingenjör 300 hp och Teknologie master 120 hp
Degree in English
Master of Science in Applied Physics and Electrical Engineering
Semester 1-7 (Autumn 2013-Autumn 2016)
Programme plan is to be found in the former study guide for Faculty of Science and Engineering:
Semester 8 Spring 2017
Course code | Course name | Credits | Level | Timetable module | ECV | |
Period 1 | ||||||
TAMS29 | Stochastic Processes Applied to Financial Models | 6 | A1X | 3 | E |
TANA15 | Numerical Linear Algebra | 6 | A1X | 1 | E |
TATA27 | Partial Differential Equations | 6* | A1X | 2 | E |
*The course is divided into several semesters and/or periods
TATA53 | Linear Algebra, Honours Course | 6* | G2X | - | E |
*The course is divided into several semesters and/or periods
TATA54 | Number Theory | 6 | G2X | 2 | E |
TATA66 | Fourier and Wavelet Analysis | 6* | A1X | 4 | E |
*The course is divided into several semesters and/or periods
TATA78 | Complex Analysis, second course | 6* | A1X | 2 | E |
*The course is divided into several semesters and/or periods
TBMI26 | Neural Networks and Learning Systems | 6 | A1X | 2 | E |
TBMT02 | Medical Imaging | 6 | A1F | 3 | E |
TBMT09 | Physiological Pressures and Flows | 6 | A1X | 1 | E |
TDDD76 | Software Engineering Project | 8* | G2X | 2 | E |
*The course is divided into several semesters and/or periods
TDTS07 | System Design and Methodology | 6 | A1X | 1 | E |
TEIO20 | Entrepreneurship and New Business Development | 6* | G2X | 4 | E |
*The course is divided into several semesters and/or periods
TFFM40 | Analytical Methods in Materials Science | 6* | A1X | 1 | E |
*The course is divided into several semesters and/or periods
TFYA04 | Materials Optics | 6 | A1X | 4 | E |
TFYA21 | Physical Metallurgy | 6 | A1F | 3 | E |
TFYA25 | Physics of Condensed Matter part II | 6 | A1X | 2 | E |
TFYA36 | Chaos and Non-Linear Phenomena | 6* | A1X | 3 | E |
*The course is divided into several semesters and/or periods
TFYA71 | Cosmology | 6* | A1X | 3 | E |
*The course is divided into several semesters and/or periods
TFYA85 | Alternative Energy Sources and their Applications | 6 | G2X | 4 | E |
TFYY67 | Classical Electrodynamics | 6 | A1X | 1 | E |
TGTU01 | Technology and Ethics | 6 | G1X | 1 | E |
TGTU91 | Oral and Written Communication | 6 | G1X | 2 | E |
THFR05 | Communicative French | 6* | G1X | 4 | E |
*The course is divided into several semesters and/or periods
THSP05 | Spanish | 6* | G1X | 4 | E |
*The course is divided into several semesters and/or periods
THTY05 | German | 6* | G1X | 4 | E |
*The course is divided into several semesters and/or periods
TKMJ10 | Industrial Ecology | 6 | A1X | 1 | E |
TKMJ15 | Environmental Management Strategies | 6 | G1X | 3 | E |
TMME55 | Flight Dynamics | 6 | A1X | 1 | E |
TMMS30 | Multi Body Dynamics and Robotics | 6 | A1X | 3 | E |
TNM048 | Information Visualisation | 6 | A1X | 3 | E |
TPPE32 | Financial Risk Management | 6 | A1X | 2 | E |
TSBB15 | Computer Vision | 12* | A1X | 1 | E |
*The course is divided into several semesters and/or periods
TSBK07 | Computer Graphics | 6* | A1X | 4 | E |
*The course is divided into several semesters and/or periods
TSBK08 | Data Compression | 6 | A1X | 2 | E |
TSEK03 | Radio Frequency Integrated Circuits | 6 | A1X | 2 | E |
TSEK06 | VLSI Design | 12* | A1X | 4 | E |
*The course is divided into several semesters and/or periods
TSFS04 | Electrical Drives | 6 | G2X | 4 | E |
TSKS13 | Wireless Communications | 6 | A1F | 4 | E |
TSRT07 | Industrial Control Systems | 6 | A1X | 2 | E |
TSRT09 | Control Theory | 6 | A1X | 3 | E |
TSTE08 | Analog and Discrete-Time Integrated Circuits | 6 | A1X | 3 | E |
TSTE14 | Analog Filters | 6 | A1X | 2 | E |
TSTE93 | Analog Circuits | 6* | G2X | 1 | E |
*The course is divided into several semesters and/or periods
Period 2 | ||||||
TANA31 | Computational Methods for Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations | 6 | A1X | 2 | E |
TAOP24 | Optimization, Advanced Course | 6 | G2X | 1 | E |
TATA27 | Partial Differential Equations | 6* | A1X | 4 | E |
*The course is divided into several semesters and/or periods
TATA53 | Linear Algebra, Honours Course | 6* | G2X | - | E |
*The course is divided into several semesters and/or periods
TATA66 | Fourier and Wavelet Analysis | 6* | A1X | 2 | E |
*The course is divided into several semesters and/or periods
TATA78 | Complex Analysis, second course | 6* | A1X | 3 | E |
*The course is divided into several semesters and/or periods
TBME08 | Biomedical Modeling and Simulation | 6 | A1X | 3 | E |
TBMT26 | Technology in Intensive Care and Surgery | 6 | A1X | 1 | E |
TDDC78 | Programming of Parallel Computers - Methods and Tools | 6 | A1X | 3 | E |
TDDD12 | Database Technology | 6 | G2X | 4 | E |
TDDD76 | Software Engineering Project | 8* | G2X | 2 | E |
*The course is divided into several semesters and/or periods
TEIE44 | Intellectual Property Rights | 4 | G1X | 1 | E |
TEIE95 | Civil and Commercial Law | 4 | G1X | 2 | E |
TEIO20 | Entrepreneurship and New Business Development | 6* | G2X | 4 | E |
*The course is divided into several semesters and/or periods
TFFM40 | Analytical Methods in Materials Science | 6* | A1X | 1 | E |
*The course is divided into several semesters and/or periods
TFKE52 | Fundamentals of Chemistry | 6 | G1X | 2 | E |
TFMT19 | Chemical Sensor Systems | 6 | A1X | 4 | E |
TFYA18 | Mathematical Methods of Physics | 6 | A1X | 3 | E |
TFYA19 | Quantum Computers | 6 | A1X | 4 | E |
TFYA36 | Chaos and Non-Linear Phenomena | 6* | A1X | 2 | E |
*The course is divided into several semesters and/or periods
TFYA38 | Optoelectronics | 6 | A1X | 3 | E |
TFYA41 | Thin Film Physics | 6 | A1X | 2 | E |
TFYA71 | Cosmology | 6* | A1X | 2 | E |
*The course is divided into several semesters and/or periods
TGTU76 | Philosophy of Science | 6 | G1X | 4 | E |
THFR05 | Communicative French | 6* | G1X | 4 | E |
*The course is divided into several semesters and/or periods
THSP05 | Spanish | 6* | G1X | 4 | E |
*The course is divided into several semesters and/or periods
THTY05 | German | 6* | G1X | 4 | E |
*The course is divided into several semesters and/or periods
TKMJ29 | Resource Efficient Products | 6 | A1X | 1 | E |
TMIA11 | Work Science, basic course | 6 | G1X | 1 | E |
TNM079 | Modelling and Animation | 6 | A1X | 2 | E |
TPPE33 | Portfolio Management | 6 | A1X | 2 | E |
TSBB15 | Computer Vision | 12* | A1X | 3 | E |
*The course is divided into several semesters and/or periods
TSBK02 | Image and Audio Coding | 6 | A1X | 4 | E |
TSBK07 | Computer Graphics | 6* | A1X | 1 | E |
*The course is divided into several semesters and/or periods
TSEK06 | VLSI Design | 12* | A1X | 4 | E |
*The course is divided into several semesters and/or periods
TSFS03 | Vehicle Propulsion Systems | 6 | A1X | 3 | E |
TSFS06 | Diagnosis and Supervision | 6 | A1N | 1 | E |
TSFS11 | Electrical and Energy Technology | 6 | G2F | 4 | E |
TSKS14 | Multiple Antenna Communications | 6 | A1X | 2 | E |
TSRT14 | Sensor Fusion | 6 | A1X | 2 | E |
TSTE06 | Digital Filters | 6 | A1X | 3 | E |
TSTE87 | Application-Specific Integrated Circuits | 6 | A1X | 2 | E |
TSTE93 | Analog Circuits | 6* | G2X | 1 | E |
*The course is divided into several semesters and/or periods
Course code | Course name | Credits | Level | Timetable module | ECV | |
Period 1 | ||||||
TANA15 | Numerical Linear Algebra | 6 | A1X | 1 | C |
TATA27 | Partial Differential Equations | 6* | A1X | 2 | E |
*The course is divided into several semesters and/or periods
TATA66 | Fourier and Wavelet Analysis | 6* | A1X | 4 | E |
*The course is divided into several semesters and/or periods
TSRT09 | Control Theory | 6 | A1X | 3 | E |
Period 2 | ||||||
TAOP24 | Optimization, Advanced Course | 6 | G2X | 1 | C |
TATA27 | Partial Differential Equations | 6* | A1X | 4 | E |
*The course is divided into several semesters and/or periods
TATA66 | Fourier and Wavelet Analysis | 6* | A1X | 2 | E |
*The course is divided into several semesters and/or periods
TFYA18 | Mathematical Methods of Physics | 6 | A1X | 3 | E |
Course code | Course name | Credits | Level | Timetable module | ECV | |
Period 1 | ||||||
TBMT02 | Medical Imaging | 6 | A1F | 3 | C |
TBMT09 | Physiological Pressures and Flows | 6 | A1X | 1 | C |
TBMI03 | Medical Information Models and Ontologies | 6 | A1X | 4 | E |
TBMI26 | Neural Networks and Learning Systems | 6 | A1X | 2 | E |
Period 2 | ||||||
TBME08 | Biomedical Modeling and Simulation | 6 | A1X | 3 | E |
TBMT26 | Technology in Intensive Care and Surgery | 6 | A1X | 1 | E |
Course code | Course name | Credits | Level | Timetable module | ECV | |
Period 1 | ||||||
TSBK08 | Data Compression | 6 | A1X | 2 | E |
TSEK03 | Radio Frequency Integrated Circuits | 6 | A1X | 2 | E |
TSKS13 | Wireless Communications | 6 | A1F | 4 | E |
Period 2 | ||||||
TSBK02 | Image and Audio Coding | 6 | A1X | 4 | E |
TSKS14 | Multiple Antenna Communications | 6 | A1X | 2 | E |
Course code | Course name | Credits | Level | Timetable module | ECV | |
Period 1 | ||||||
TSRT07 | Industrial Control Systems | 6 | A1X | 2 | C |
TSRT09 | Control Theory | 6 | A1X | 3 | C |
Period 2 | ||||||
TDDD12 | Database Technology | 6 | G2X | 4 | C/E |
TDDC78 | Programming of Parallel Computers - Methods and Tools | 6 | A1X | 3 | E |
TSFS06 | Diagnosis and Supervision | 6 | A1N | 1 | E |
TSRT14 | Sensor Fusion | 6 | A1X | 2 | E |
Course code | Course name | Credits | Level | Timetable module | ECV | |
Period 1 | ||||||
TSTE08 | Analog and Discrete-Time Integrated Circuits | 6 | A1X | 3 | C |
TSEK06 | VLSI Design | 12* | A1X | 4 | C/E |
*The course is divided into several semesters and/or periods
TSEK03 | Radio Frequency Integrated Circuits | 6 | A1X | 2 | E |
TSTE14 | Analog Filters | 6 | A1X | 2 | E |
TSTE93 | Analog Circuits | 6* | G2X | 1 | E |
*The course is divided into several semesters and/or periods
Period 2 | ||||||
TSTE87 | Application-Specific Integrated Circuits | 6 | A1X | 2 | C |
TSEK06 | VLSI Design | 12* | A1X | 4 | C/E |
*The course is divided into several semesters and/or periods
TSTE06 | Digital Filters | 6 | A1X | 3 | E |
TSTE93 | Analog Circuits | 6* | G2X | 1 | E |
*The course is divided into several semesters and/or periods
Course code | Course name | Credits | Level | Timetable module | ECV | |
Period 1 | ||||||
TAMS29 | Stochastic Processes Applied to Financial Models | 6 | A1X | 3 | C |
TANA15 | Numerical Linear Algebra | 6 | A1X | 1 | C |
TPPE32 | Financial Risk Management | 6 | A1X | 2 | E |
Period 2 | ||||||
TAOP24 | Optimization, Advanced Course | 6 | G2X | 1 | E |
TPPE33 | Portfolio Management | 6 | A1X | 2 | E |
Course code | Course name | Credits | Level | Timetable module | ECV | |
Period 1 | ||||||
TFFM40 | Analytical Methods in Materials Science | 6* | A1X | 1 | C |
*The course is divided into several semesters and/or periods
TFYA04 | Materials Optics | 6 | A1X | 4 | E |
TFYA21 | Physical Metallurgy | 6 | A1F | 3 | E |
TFYA25 | Physics of Condensed Matter part II | 6 | A1X | 2 | E |
Period 2 | ||||||
TFFM40 | Analytical Methods in Materials Science | 6* | A1X | 1 | C |
*The course is divided into several semesters and/or periods
TFMT19 | Chemical Sensor Systems | 6 | A1X | 4 | E |
TFYA38 | Optoelectronics | 6 | A1X | 3 | E |
TFYA41 | Thin Film Physics | 6 | A1X | 2 | E |
Course code | Course name | Credits | Level | Timetable module | ECV | |
Period 1 | ||||||
TMME55 | Flight Dynamics | 6 | A1X | 1 | E |
TMMS30 | Multi Body Dynamics and Robotics | 6 | A1X | 3 | E |
TSFS04 | Electrical Drives | 6 | G2X | 4 | E |
TSRT07 | Industrial Control Systems | 6 | A1X | 2 | E |
TSRT09 | Control Theory | 6 | A1X | 3 | E |
Period 2 | ||||||
TSFS03 | Vehicle Propulsion Systems | 6 | A1X | 3 | E |
TSFS06 | Diagnosis and Supervision | 6 | A1N | 1 | E |
TSRT14 | Sensor Fusion | 6 | A1X | 2 | E |
Course code | Course name | Credits | Level | Timetable module | ECV | |
Period 1 | ||||||
TBMI26 | Neural Networks and Learning Systems | 6 | A1X | 2 | E |
TBMT02 | Medical Imaging | 6 | A1F | 3 | E |
TNM048 | Information Visualisation | 6 | A1X | 3 | E |
TSBB15 | Computer Vision | 12* | A1X | 1 | E |
*The course is divided into several semesters and/or periods
TSBK07 | Computer Graphics | 6* | A1X | 4 | E |
*The course is divided into several semesters and/or periods
TSBK08 | Data Compression | 6 | A1X | 2 | E |
Period 2 | ||||||
TSBB15 | Computer Vision | 12* | A1X | 3 | E |
*The course is divided into several semesters and/or periods
TSBK02 | Image and Audio Coding | 6 | A1X | 4 | E |
TSBK07 | Computer Graphics | 6* | A1X | 1 | E |
*The course is divided into several semesters and/or periods
TSRT14 | Sensor Fusion | 6 | A1X | 2 | E |
Course code | Course name | Credits | Level | Timetable module | ECV | |
Period 1 | ||||||
TDTS07 | System Design and Methodology | 6 | A1X | 1 | C |
TSEK06 | VLSI Design | 12* | A1X | 4 | C/E |
*The course is divided into several semesters and/or periods
TSEK03 | Radio Frequency Integrated Circuits | 6 | A1X | 2 | E |
TSTE08 | Analog and Discrete-Time Integrated Circuits | 6 | A1X | 3 | E |
TSTE14 | Analog Filters | 6 | A1X | 2 | E |
Period 2 | ||||||
TSEK06 | VLSI Design | 12* | A1X | 4 | C/E |
*The course is divided into several semesters and/or periods
TEIE44 | Intellectual Property Rights | 4 | G1X | 1 | E |
TSTE06 | Digital Filters | 6 | A1X | 3 | E |
TSTE87 | Application-Specific Integrated Circuits | 6 | A1X | 2 | E |
Course code | Course name | Credits | Level | Timetable module | ECV | |
Period 1 | ||||||
TFYY67 | Classical Electrodynamics | 6 | A1X | 1 | C |
TATA27 | Partial Differential Equations | 6* | A1X | 2 | E |
*The course is divided into several semesters and/or periods
TFYA21 | Physical Metallurgy | 6 | A1F | 3 | E |
TFYA25 | Physics of Condensed Matter part II | 6 | A1X | 2 | E |
TFYA36 | Chaos and Non-Linear Phenomena | 6* | A1X | 3 | E |
*The course is divided into several semesters and/or periods
TFYA71 | Cosmology | 6* | A1X | 3 | E |
*The course is divided into several semesters and/or periods
TSBK07 | Computer Graphics | 6* | A1X | 4 | E |
*The course is divided into several semesters and/or periods
Period 2 | ||||||
TFYA18 | Mathematical Methods of Physics | 6 | A1X | 3 | C |
TATA27 | Partial Differential Equations | 6* | A1X | 4 | E |
*The course is divided into several semesters and/or periods
TFYA19 | Quantum Computers | 6 | A1X | 4 | E |
TFYA36 | Chaos and Non-Linear Phenomena | 6* | A1X | 2 | E |
*The course is divided into several semesters and/or periods
TFYA71 | Cosmology | 6* | A1X | 2 | E |
*The course is divided into several semesters and/or periods
TSBK07 | Computer Graphics | 6* | A1X | 1 | E |
*The course is divided into several semesters and/or periods
Semester 9 Autumn 2017
Course code | Course name | Credits | Level | Timetable module | ECV | |
Period 1 | ||||||
TAMS39 | Multivariate Statistical Methods | 6 | A1X | 4 | E |
TATA32 | Discrete Mathematics | 8* | G1X | 3 | E |
*The course is divided into several semesters and/or periods
TATA62 | Project - Applied Mathematics | 12* | A1X | 4 | E |
*The course is divided into several semesters and/or periods
TATA75 | Theory of Relativity | 6 | A1X | - | E |
TBMT14 | Biomedical Engineering - Project Course | 12* | A1X | 4 | E |
*The course is divided into several semesters and/or periods
TBMT36 | Biomedical Optics | 6 | A1X | 1 | E |
TDDC88 | Software Engineering | 12* | A1X | 1 | E |
*The course is divided into several semesters and/or periods
TFYA17 | Advanced Project Work in Applied Physics | 6* | A1X | - | E |
*The course is divided into several semesters and/or periods
TFYA50 | Project course in Computational Physics CDIO | 12* | A1X | 4 | E |
*The course is divided into several semesters and/or periods
TFYA51 | Project Course in Physics - Design and Fabrication of Sensor Chip, CDIO | 12* | A1X | 4 | E |
*The course is divided into several semesters and/or periods
TFYY47 | Semiconductor Physics | 6 | A1X | 1 | E |
TMES09 | Industrial Energy Systems | 6 | A1X | 3 | E |
TMMS11 | Models of Mechanics | 6* | A1X | 3 | E |
*The course is divided into several semesters and/or periods
TMMV01 | Aerodynamics | 6 | A1X | 2 | E |
TNE071 | Microwave Engineering | 6 | A1X | 1 | E |
TNE089 | Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) and Printed Circuit Board (PCB) Design | 6* | A1X | 2 | E |
*The course is divided into several semesters and/or periods
TNM067 | Scientific Visualization | 6 | A1X | 3 | E |
TPPE53 | Financial Valuation Methodology | 6 | A1X | 2 | E |
TSBB11 | Images and Graphics, Project Course CDIO | 12* | A1X | 4 | E |
*The course is divided into several semesters and/or periods
TSBB17 | Visual Object Recognition and Detection | 6 | A1X | 2 | E |
TSBK03 | Advanced Game Programming | 6* | A1X | 1 | E |
*The course is divided into several semesters and/or periods
TSEA26 | Design of Embedded DSP Processor | 6 | A1X | 1 | E |
TSEK11 | Evaluation of an Integrated Circuit | 2 | A1X | 4 | E |
TSEK38 | Radio Frequency Transceiver Design | 6 | A1X | 2 | E |
TSIN01 | Information Networks | 6 | A1X | 3 | E |
TSIT03 | Cryptology | 6 | A1X | 2 | E |
TSKS05 | Communication Systems, Project Course | 12* | A1X | 4 | E |
*The course is divided into several semesters and/or periods
TSKS12 | Modern Channel Coding, Inference and Learning | 6 | A1X | 1 | E |
TSRT10 | Automatic Control - Project Course | 12* | A1X | 4 | E |
*The course is divided into several semesters and/or periods
TSTE17 | System Design | 12* | A1F | 4 | E |
*The course is divided into several semesters and/or periods
TSTE18 | Digital Arithmetics | 6* | A1X | 3 | E |
*The course is divided into several semesters and/or periods
TSTE25 | Power Electronics | 6 | A1X | 3 | E |
Period 2 | ||||||
TATA32 | Discrete Mathematics | 8* | G1X | 1 | E |
*The course is divided into several semesters and/or periods
TATA62 | Project - Applied Mathematics | 12* | A1X | 4 | E |
*The course is divided into several semesters and/or periods
TBMI02 | Medical Image Analysis | 6 | A1X | 1 | E |
TBMT14 | Biomedical Engineering - Project Course | 12* | A1X | 4 | E |
*The course is divided into several semesters and/or periods
TDDC88 | Software Engineering | 12* | A1X | 1 | E |
*The course is divided into several semesters and/or periods
TDDD49 | Programming in C# and .NET Framework | 4 | G2X | 3 | E |
TDDD56 | Multicore and GPU Programming | 6 | A1X | 2 | E |
TFYA17 | Advanced Project Work in Applied Physics | 6* | A1X | - | E |
*The course is divided into several semesters and/or periods
TFYA27 | Elementary Particle Physics | 6 | A1X | 2 | E |
TFYA50 | Project course in Computational Physics CDIO | 12* | A1X | 4 | E |
*The course is divided into several semesters and/or periods
TFYA51 | Project Course in Physics - Design and Fabrication of Sensor Chip, CDIO | 12* | A1X | 4 | E |
*The course is divided into several semesters and/or periods
TFYA57 | Relativistic Quantum Mechanics | 6 | A1X | 3 | E |
TFYY54 | Nano Physics | 6 | A1X | 3 | E |
TMMS11 | Models of Mechanics | 6* | A1X | 4 | E |
*The course is divided into several semesters and/or periods
TNE083 | Antenna Theory | 6 | A1X | 2 | E |
TNE089 | Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) and Printed Circuit Board (PCB) Design | 6* | A1X | 1 | E |
*The course is divided into several semesters and/or periods
TPPE61 | Financial Optimization | 6 | A1X | 2 | E |
TSBB11 | Images and Graphics, Project Course CDIO | 12* | A1X | 4 | E |
*The course is divided into several semesters and/or periods
TSBK03 | Advanced Game Programming | 6* | A1X | - | E |
*The course is divided into several semesters and/or periods
TSEA44 | Computer Hardware - a System on Chip | 6 | A1F | 1 | E |
TSKS05 | Communication Systems, Project Course | 12* | A1X | 4 | E |
*The course is divided into several semesters and/or periods
TSRT08 | Optimal Control | 6 | A1X | 3 | E |
TSRT10 | Automatic Control - Project Course | 12* | A1X | 4 | E |
*The course is divided into several semesters and/or periods
TSTE17 | System Design | 12* | A1F | 4 | E |
*The course is divided into several semesters and/or periods
TSTE18 | Digital Arithmetics | 6* | A1X | 3 | E |
*The course is divided into several semesters and/or periods
TSTE26 | Powergrid and Technology for Renewable Production | 6 | A1X | 3 | E |
TSTE85 | Low Power Electronics | 6 | A1X | 2 | E |
Course code | Course name | Credits | Level | Timetable module | ECV | |
Period 1 | ||||||
TATA62 | Project - Applied Mathematics | 12* | A1X | 4 | C/E |
*The course is divided into several semesters and/or periods
TSRT10 | Automatic Control - Project Course | 12* | A1X | 4 | C/E |
*The course is divided into several semesters and/or periods
TATA75 | Theory of Relativity | 6 | A1X | - | E |
TMMS11 | Models of Mechanics | 6* | A1X | 3 | E |
*The course is divided into several semesters and/or periods
TPPE53 | Financial Valuation Methodology | 6 | A1X | 2 | E |
Period 2 | ||||||
TATA62 | Project - Applied Mathematics | 12* | A1X | 4 | C/E |
*The course is divided into several semesters and/or periods
TSRT10 | Automatic Control - Project Course | 12* | A1X | 4 | C/E |
*The course is divided into several semesters and/or periods
TFYA57 | Relativistic Quantum Mechanics | 6 | A1X | 3 | E |
TMMS11 | Models of Mechanics | 6* | A1X | 4 | E |
*The course is divided into several semesters and/or periods
TPPE61 | Financial Optimization | 6 | A1X | 2 | E |
Course code | Course name | Credits | Level | Timetable module | ECV | |
Period 1 | ||||||
TBMT14 | Biomedical Engineering - Project Course | 12* | A1X | 4 | C |
*The course is divided into several semesters and/or periods
TAMS39 | Multivariate Statistical Methods | 6 | A1X | 4 | E |
TBMT36 | Biomedical Optics | 6 | A1X | 1 | E |
Period 2 | ||||||
TBMT14 | Biomedical Engineering - Project Course | 12* | A1X | 4 | C |
*The course is divided into several semesters and/or periods
TBMI02 | Medical Image Analysis | 6 | A1X | 1 | E |
Course code | Course name | Credits | Level | Timetable module | ECV | |
Period 1 | ||||||
TSIN01 | Information Networks | 6 | A1X | 3 | C |
TSKS05 | Communication Systems, Project Course | 12* | A1X | 4 | C |
*The course is divided into several semesters and/or periods
TSEK38 | Radio Frequency Transceiver Design | 6 | A1X | 2 | E |
TSIT03 | Cryptology | 6 | A1X | 2 | E |
TSKS12 | Modern Channel Coding, Inference and Learning | 6 | A1X | 1 | E |
Period 2 | ||||||
TSKS05 | Communication Systems, Project Course | 12* | A1X | 4 | C |
*The course is divided into several semesters and/or periods
Course code | Course name | Credits | Level | Timetable module | ECV | |
Period 1 | ||||||
TATA62 | Project - Applied Mathematics | 12* | A1X | 4 | C/E |
*The course is divided into several semesters and/or periods
TSRT10 | Automatic Control - Project Course | 12* | A1X | 4 | C/E |
*The course is divided into several semesters and/or periods
TDTS06 | Computer Networks | 6 | G2X | 1 | E |
Period 2 | ||||||
TATA62 | Project - Applied Mathematics | 12* | A1X | 4 | C/E |
*The course is divided into several semesters and/or periods
TSRT10 | Automatic Control - Project Course | 12* | A1X | 4 | C/E |
*The course is divided into several semesters and/or periods
TSKS11 | Networks: Models, Algorithms and Applications | 6 | G2X | 3 | E |
TSRT08 | Optimal Control | 6 | A1X | 3 | E |
Course code | Course name | Credits | Level | Timetable module | ECV | |
Period 1 | ||||||
TSTE17 | System Design | 12* | A1F | 4 | C/E |
*The course is divided into several semesters and/or periods
TNE071 | Microwave Engineering | 6 | A1X | 1 | E |
TNE089 | Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) and Printed Circuit Board (PCB) Design | 6* | A1X | 2 | E |
*The course is divided into several semesters and/or periods
TSEA26 | Design of Embedded DSP Processor | 6 | A1X | 1 | E |
TSEK11 | Evaluation of an Integrated Circuit | 2 | A1X | 4 | E |
TSEK38 | Radio Frequency Transceiver Design | 6 | A1X | 2 | E |
TSTE18 | Digital Arithmetics | 6* | A1X | 3 | E |
*The course is divided into several semesters and/or periods
TSTE25 | Power Electronics | 6 | A1X | 3 | E |
Period 2 | ||||||
TSTE17 | System Design | 12* | A1F | 4 | C/E |
*The course is divided into several semesters and/or periods
TNE083 | Antenna Theory | 6 | A1X | 2 | E |
TNE089 | Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) and Printed Circuit Board (PCB) Design | 6* | A1X | 1 | E |
*The course is divided into several semesters and/or periods
TSEA44 | Computer Hardware - a System on Chip | 6 | A1F | 1 | E |
TSTE18 | Digital Arithmetics | 6* | A1X | 3 | E |
*The course is divided into several semesters and/or periods
TSTE26 | Powergrid and Technology for Renewable Production | 6 | A1X | 3 | E |
TSTE85 | Low Power Electronics | 6 | A1X | 2 | E |
Course code | Course name | Credits | Level | Timetable module | ECV | |
Period 1 | ||||||
TATA62 | Project - Applied Mathematics | 12* | A1X | 4 | C |
*The course is divided into several semesters and/or periods
TPPE53 | Financial Valuation Methodology | 6 | A1X | 2 | C |
Period 2 | ||||||
TATA62 | Project - Applied Mathematics | 12* | A1X | 4 | C |
*The course is divided into several semesters and/or periods
TPPE61 | Financial Optimization | 6 | A1X | 2 | C |
Course code | Course name | Credits | Level | Timetable module | ECV | |
Period 1 | ||||||
TFYA50 | Project course in Computational Physics CDIO | 12* | A1X | 4 | C/E |
*The course is divided into several semesters and/or periods
TFYA51 | Project Course in Physics - Design and Fabrication of Sensor Chip, CDIO | 12* | A1X | 4 | C/E |
*The course is divided into several semesters and/or periods
TFYA17 | Advanced Project Work in Applied Physics | 6* | A1X | - | E |
*The course is divided into several semesters and/or periods
TFYY47 | Semiconductor Physics | 6 | A1X | 1 | E |
Period 2 | ||||||
TFYY54 | Nano Physics | 6 | A1X | 3 | C |
TFYA50 | Project course in Computational Physics CDIO | 12* | A1X | 4 | C/E |
*The course is divided into several semesters and/or periods
TFYA51 | Project Course in Physics - Design and Fabrication of Sensor Chip, CDIO | 12* | A1X | 4 | C/E |
*The course is divided into several semesters and/or periods
TFYA17 | Advanced Project Work in Applied Physics | 6* | A1X | - | E |
*The course is divided into several semesters and/or periods
Course code | Course name | Credits | Level | Timetable module | ECV | |
Period 1 | ||||||
TSRT10 | Automatic Control - Project Course | 12* | A1X | 4 | C |
*The course is divided into several semesters and/or periods
TFYA40 | Analytical Mechanics | 6 | A1X | 4 | E |
Period 2 | ||||||
TSRT10 | Automatic Control - Project Course | 12* | A1X | 4 | C |
*The course is divided into several semesters and/or periods
TSRT08 | Optimal Control | 6 | A1X | 3 | E |
Course code | Course name | Credits | Level | Timetable module | ECV | |
Period 1 | ||||||
TSBB11 | Images and Graphics, Project Course CDIO | 12* | A1X | 4 | C |
*The course is divided into several semesters and/or periods
TNM067 | Scientific Visualization | 6 | A1X | 3 | E |
TSBB17 | Visual Object Recognition and Detection | 6 | A1X | 2 | E |
TSBK03 | Advanced Game Programming | 6* | A1X | 1 | E |
*The course is divided into several semesters and/or periods
TSKS15 | Detection and Estimation of Signals | 6 | A1X | 2 | E |
Period 2 | ||||||
TSBB11 | Images and Graphics, Project Course CDIO | 12* | A1X | 4 | C |
*The course is divided into several semesters and/or periods
TBMI02 | Medical Image Analysis | 6 | A1X | 1 | E |
TDDD56 | Multicore and GPU Programming | 6 | A1X | 2 | E |
TNM086 | Virtual Reality Techniques | 6 | A1X | 2 | E |
TSBK03 | Advanced Game Programming | 6* | A1X | - | E |
*The course is divided into several semesters and/or periods
Course code | Course name | Credits | Level | Timetable module | ECV | |
Period 1 | ||||||
TSTE17 | System Design | 12* | A1F | 4 | C/E |
*The course is divided into several semesters and/or periods
TSEA26 | Design of Embedded DSP Processor | 6 | A1X | 1 | E |
TSEK11 | Evaluation of an Integrated Circuit | 2 | A1X | 4 | E |
TSTE18 | Digital Arithmetics | 6* | A1X | 3 | E |
*The course is divided into several semesters and/or periods
Period 2 | ||||||
TSTE17 | System Design | 12* | A1F | 4 | C/E |
*The course is divided into several semesters and/or periods
TSEA44 | Computer Hardware - a System on Chip | 6 | A1F | 1 | E |
TSTE18 | Digital Arithmetics | 6* | A1X | 3 | E |
*The course is divided into several semesters and/or periods
TSTE85 | Low Power Electronics | 6 | A1X | 2 | E |
Course code | Course name | Credits | Level | Timetable module | ECV | |
Period 1 | ||||||
TFYA50 | Project course in Computational Physics CDIO | 12* | A1X | 4 | C |
*The course is divided into several semesters and/or periods
TFYA17 | Advanced Project Work in Applied Physics | 6* | A1X | - | E |
*The course is divided into several semesters and/or periods
TFYY47 | Semiconductor Physics | 6 | A1X | 1 | E |
Period 2 | ||||||
TFYA50 | Project course in Computational Physics CDIO | 12* | A1X | 4 | C |
*The course is divided into several semesters and/or periods
TFYA17 | Advanced Project Work in Applied Physics | 6* | A1X | - | E |
*The course is divided into several semesters and/or periods
TFYA27 | Elementary Particle Physics | 6 | A1X | 2 | E |
TFYY54 | Nano Physics | 6 | A1X | 3 | E |
Semester 10 Spring 2018
Course code | Course name | Credits | Level | Timetable module | ECV | |
Period 1 | ||||||
TQXX33 | Degree project - Master’s Thesis | 30* | A1X | - | C |
*The course is divided into several semesters and/or periods
Period 2 | ||||||
TQXX33 | Degree project - Master’s Thesis | 30* | A1X | - | C |
*The course is divided into several semesters and/or periods