VAL II - Professional Qualification Course for Teachers, 120 credits

VAL II - Vidareutbildning av lärare, 120 hp


Teaching language




Pace of study


Entry requirements

    Degree in Swedish

    Avslutad utbildning leder till behörighetsgivande lärarexamen.

    Semester 1 Autumn 2021

    Semester 2 Spring 2022

    Semester 3 Autumn 2022

    Semester 4 Spring 2023

    Semester 5 Autumn 2023

    Semester 6 Spring 2024

    Semester 7 Autumn 2024

    Semester 8 Spring 2025

    Course code Course name Credits Level Weeks ECV
    976G05 Assessment and grading 7.5 GXX v202504-202513 E
    9FVG12 Teaching reading and writing grades F-3, continuation course 7.5 G1N v202504-202513 E
    9FVG13 Teaching reading and writing grades 4-6, continuation course 7.5 G1N v202504-202513 E
    9FVG30 Multilingualism - language learning and development 7.5 G1N v202504-202513 E
    9KPA05 Social Processes of Teaching 7.5 AXX v202504-202513 E
    9KPA07 Teaching Special Education Dimensions 7.5 AXX v202504-202513 E
    9KPA08 To Lead and Supervise Didactic Processes 7.5 AXX v202504-202513 E
    9VA101 Knowledge and Learning with a Focus on Didactic Processes 7.5 GXX v202504-202513 E
    9VA202 School in Society; Its Purpose, Organization and Governance 7.5 GXX v202504-202513 E
    9VAA11 Teaching Practice 3 7.5 AXX v202504-202513 E
    9VFR01 Schoolage Educare 7.5 G2X v202504-202513 E
    LULV06 Methods, Concepts and Tools in Educational Sciences 7.5 GXX v202504-202513 E
    919G20 Thesis in Textile Craft (76-90hp) 15 G1F v202504-202523 E
    919G21 Thesis in Wood and Metal Craft 15 G1F v202504-202523 E
    919G22 Textile Craft Didactic Studies 7.5 G1F v202504-202523 E
    919G23 Textile Craft Studies 7.5 G1F v202504-202523 E
    919G24 Wood and Metal Craft Didactic Studies 7.5 G1F v202504-202523 E
    919G25 Wood and Metal Craft Studies 7.5 G1F v202504-202523 E
    919G26 Area of Emphasis Textile Craft, The Pedagogical Room of Craft, (1-15 hp) 15 G1N v202504-202523 E
    919G30 Area of Emphasis Wood and Metal Craft, The Pedagogical Room of Craft (1-15 credits) 15 G1N v202504-202523 E
    919G44 Area of Emphasis Textile Craft, Learning Process in Craft (16-30 credits) 15 G1F v202504-202523 E
    919G45 Area of Emphasis Textile Craft, Tradition and Contemporary Textile Craft (31-45 credits) 15 G1F v202504-202523 E
    919G46 Area of Emphasis Textile Craft, Textile Craft and Craft Didactics (46-60 credits) 15 G1F v202504-202523 E
    919G47 Area of Emphasis Wood and Metal Craft. Learning Process in Craft (16-30 credits) 15 G1F v202504-202523 E
    919G48 Area of Emphasis Wood and Metal Craft, Tradition and Contemporary Wood and Metal Craft (31-45 credits) 15 G1F v202504-202523 E
    919G49 Area of Emphasis Wood and Metal Craft. Craft and Didactics (46-60 credits) 15 G1F v202504-202523 E
    923G12 Physical Education: Health and Lifestyle 7.5 G1N v202504-202523 E
    923G13 Physical Education: Motor skills, Play and Learning 7.5 G1N v202504-202523 E
    976G03 Pedagogy for Vocational Education and Training (VET) and Learning in Vocational Subjects, part I 15 GXX v202504-202523 E
    9ÄEGEX Examensarbete utifrån förordningen 2011:689 15 G2X v202504-202523 E
    9FVG16 Mathematics for Primary School Teacher F-3 15 G1N v202504-202523 E
    9FVG17 Mathematics for Primary School Teacher 4-6 15 G1N v202504-202523 E
    9FVG18 Schoolage Educare 1 15 G1N v202504-202523 E
    9FVG21 Schoolage Educare 2 15 G1N v202504-202523 E
    9FVG24 Geography primary school 7.5 G1N v202504-202523 E
    9FVG25 Social studies primary school 7.5 G1N v202504-202523 E
    9FVG32 Swedish as a second language towards grades F-3 (16-30 cr) 15 G1F v202504-202523 E
    9FVG33 Swedish as a second language towards grades 4-6 15 G1F v202504-202523 E
    9TV391 General Studies, Interdisciplinary Subjects, Subject Didactics and Teaching Practice 15 G2F v202504-202523 E
    9VA303 Teaching Practice in Mathematics and Swedish grade 1-6 15 GXX v202504-202523 E
    9VA404 Thesis at Basis level in Teaching Programme 15 GXX v202504-202523 E
    9VA405 Thesis, Schoolage Educare, 15 credits 15 G2X v202504-202523 E
    9VAA13 Thesis, Primary and Middle School Teacher, Social Sciences 15 AXX v202504-202523
    9VAA14 Thesis, Primary and Middle School Teacher, Mathematics/Natural Sciences 15 AXX v202504-202523
    9VAA15 Thesis, Primary and Middle School Teacher, Swedish 15 AXX v202504-202523
    9VFR03 Educational sciences - Schoolage Educare 15 G2X v202504-202523 E
    976G07 Development of Vocational Education and Training (VET) and Evaluation 7.5 GXX v202514-202523 E
    9FVG14 Children´s literature and the teaching of literature and reading grades F-3 7.5 G1N v202514-202523 E
    9FVG15 Children´s and youth literature and the teaching of literature and reading grades 4-6 7.5 G1N v202514-202523 E
    9FVG31 Literature didactics in mother tounge education 7.5 G1N v202514-202523 E
    9KP304 Didactic processes in teaching 7.5 GXX v202514-202523 E
    9KPA08 To Lead and Supervise Didactic Processes 7.5 AXX v202514-202523 E
    9KPA12 The Professional Teacher in a Learning Organization 7.5 AXX v202514-202523 E
    9VAA02 Teaching Practice 7.5 GXX v202514-202523 E
    9VAA09 Educational Assessment in Didactic Processes 7.5 AXX v202514-202523 E
    9VAA10 Teaching Practice 2 7.5 AXX v202514-202523 E
    9VAA11 Teaching Practice 3 7.5 AXX v202514-202523 E
    9VAA12 Teaching Practice 4 7.5 AXX v202514-202523 E
    9VFR02 Schoolage Educare 7.5 G2X v202514-202523 E
    LULV05 The Professional language in school 7.5 GXX v202514-202523 E